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I walked down the street looking around the alley trying to figure out what all I needed. I knew I needed clothes but what else would I need and the types of clothes. I walked around and spotted the Madame Malkins clothing store. I smiled and walked into the store after looking into the window.

The bell above the door chimed alerting her that she had a customer. She stepped out of her back room smiling as she spotted me.

"Welcome to Madame Malkin's clothing and apparel! What can I help you with?" She smiled sweetly.

"Yes Madame, I was wondering if you could help me with different clothes? I need different suites, Hogwarts robes, formal robes, duel robes, everyday robes, and under garments. Oh and I was wondering if you have any men's vests that corset in the back? And you wouldn't happen to know where I could get muggle clothes would you?" I asked sweetly, giving her a charming smile.

She nodded happily, smiling back. "Of course my dear boy! I have just the thing!" She pulls out a catalog to show me the pictures of exactly what I was asking for! "These are all correct?" She asked me for confirmation.

"Yes ma'am this is correct. Now I want multiple of these in the colors green, red, black, gray, dark blue, and purple, the green and black and red ones with silver trimming please. Now for the undergarments..." he looked around to make sure it was just them. When he saw no one and knew it was just them because of his heightened smell and hearing he slightly blushed. "Instead of boxers could I possibly have jockstraps? In colors black, and red? Also for trousers to a mix of slacks and leather pants please in all black?"

She giggled at my shyness. "Of course my dear boy. You know exactly what you want! And I'm taking it you want these in all the best materials?" She exclaims happily with this big of an order.

"Yes ma'am if that is possible. Money won't be an issue. I can even pay up front. But could I also have something that you have already done like one of these?" I point to the outfit I was wanting. It was black leather trousers with black dragonhide boots, a black button up dress shirt with a black and silver corset vest along with a solid black jockstrap.

"Of course you go ahead and pay and head to a dressing room and I'll bring you the clothes!" She replied enthusiastically as I went to pay. She then led me to the changing rooms and brought what I asked for. Once she handed me the clothes I went in and changed. When I looked into the mirror. I smiled as everything fit perfectly but then I noticed it was too perfect. I grabbed my wand and burned the rags I used to wear. I tied my hair up leaving the white blonde hair out. I immediately went out and quizzically looked at Madame Malkins.

"Is there a problem Mr. Potter?" She asked, confused.

My body stiffened quickly. How did she know it was me?

"Mr. Potter, I can tell who you are by your scent. I am a creature too. It's changed but it's slightly the same and may I say your inheritance is absolutely amazing. You look very handsome." She replied already knowing what I was thinking.

I nodded blushing. I didn't know how to respond. "Now run along dear I will send an owl when your order is ready to be picked up." She shooed me along. I nodded and exited her shop after she gave me the information on where I could get muggle clothes. But before I could move two scents assaulted my nose.

The two scents are none other than Severus Snape and Fenrir Greyback. I booked it into the closest shop before they noticed me, and that shop just happened to be the potions shop. The employee wasn't up front so I just started to look around trying to calm myself which was working. I was looking around to gather potion ingredients when I heard the door to the shop open. I froze in place smelling their scents again. They entered the shop and I didn't know what to do. I continued to look around on the side of the shop I was on, hoping not to bump into them. But knowing the potter luck that I was cursed with when I was forcefully blood adopted it would happen.

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