Heaven Ascension (Pucci) Part 3

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        Pucci stood, his knees bruised and sore, his head throbbing. Pucci, to put it bluntly, felt like shit. He stumbled over to his couch and fell onto it, all his limbs spread across the cushions . Pucci felt like he was going to hurl, and to top it all off, he had a burning fever. Pucci grabbed a throw blanket that was folded and draped over his seat, he wrapped himself in it, shaking violently. The priest felt like he was going to die right then and there. 

Ok, he knew that dying was extreme, but he had never felt worse than now. Pucci weakly tried to reach over to his coffee table and grab the half empty bottle of wine that he was drinking earlier. He stretched his arm as best he could, blindly feeling for the smooth cool glass bottle. He moved his torso to get a better reach, but that sent a shock of pain through his head, he whimpered. Finally, he got a hold of the wine bottle, he began to slide it off of the table. Very slowly he moved the wine closer to him, but as Pucci began to settle, a horrible wave of pure agony crashed into his brain. He cried out and dropped the bottle, it spilled everywhere.

He cursed. His the migraine he having was torturous. Was this God's way of punishing the priest? He was sweating uncontrollably and his vision became blurry. His body slid off the couch, still wrapped in a blanket and Pucci fainted.


        Pucci took a breath and smiled, he reached over to his glass of wine. He took a sip, his face sore from grinning all day. Pucci had bought expensive wine, he wasn't planning on drinking the whole bottle, maybe a glass or two, he thought he earned it. After many months of mourning and sorrow, he could finally just be happy. Pucci had just been given the title of "Father Pucci" and was going to run a church in a different location. 

(I know like nothing about being a priest so just bear with me.)

He drove home practically shaking with joy, the radio quietly hummed popular songs, he mumbled along to some of the words as Pucci waited in traffic. The horns were blasted and people were shouting at each other, but Pucci was on top of the world.
Enrico pulled into the parking lot of his apartment and grabbed the grocery bags in the passenger seat. The night was warm and calm, his expensive shoes clicked against the concrete as Pucci advanced towards the entrance, making sure to pet the apartment's cat. He took the elevator up to his floor. He looked over at another person on the elevator, it was old Mrs. Sherly, who commented on his "chipper mood". Enrico was good friends with Mrs. Sherly, as she would often let him come over to her room to play cards or make supper for him when she could tell he was feeling down. He always tried to refuse but she would always insist. Pucci excitedly told her about his promotion and she nearly jumped in joy,
"I'll have to cook you something! How about chicken? That's it! I'll cook a chicken!" She began to ramble, "Although I'm sure we won't be able to eat the whole thing. and you know how I get about left overs..." Pucci knew that trying to get her to calm down was futile, so he waited for her to stop. "I know! I'll invite the ladies from my book club, they all adore you!"
The priest laughed awkwardly, "I was hoping to spend this evening alone if that's alright." Mrs. Sherly's expression fell, "but I'll come over tomorrow evening!" Mrs, Sherly went back to her cheery mood, "Wonderful!"
Just then, the elevator stopped and Mrs. Sherly got off at her floor. When the door shut Enrico, sighed in relief. That woman was too much for him sometimes. The lift went up a couple more stories and Pucci hopped off and walked over to his apartment. 

        He took another sip of his wine and popped a cherry in his mouth, it was sweet and he made sure to spit out the seed. He set down his glass, Pucci looked at the cross hung on the wall, "Thank you lord up above for granting me this incredible opportunity, I will continue to serve you for as long as I live." Pucci grabbed his glass and took a drink, he looked down into the glass at his reflection. He smiled. 

"I'm so proud of you darling." 

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