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2011 - mystic falls

It was a dark and stormy night. The sky was an inky black, and the rain was coming down in sheets, making it difficult to see more than a few feet in front of you. The streetlights flickered and cast eerie shadows on the slick, wet pavement below.

The sound of the rain was deafening, drowning out any other noise that might have been present. It was as if the whole world had been swallowed up by the deluge, and all that remained was the sound of the rain and the occasional clap of thunder.

People scurried along the sidewalks, hunched over and clutching their jackets tightly around themselves. Their footsteps echoed hollowly against the pavement the only sound other than the rain. Cars splashed through the puddles, sending up rooster tails of water that soaked anyone unfortunate enough to be standing nearby.

In the distance, lightning flashed, illuminating the sky for a brief moment before plunging it back into darkness. It was a beautiful, yet terrifying sight to behold. The electricity crackled through the air, and the smell of ozone was heavy on the wind.

Despite the weather, there was a sense of camaraderie among those who were caught in the storm. Strangers would exchange knowing glances as they passed each other, united in their misery. And as they trudged through the rain, they knew that eventually, the storm would pass, and the sun would shine once more.

As the rain kept pouring down in heavy sheets, two figures were huddled under a nearby awning. They were soaked to the bone, their clothes sticking to their skin and their hair plastered to their faces. Despite the downpour, they seemed lost in conversation.

A man in a suit, the water dripped down his brown hair down on to his face, but that wasn't what bothered him.

No, the rain was one of his least problems, it was more the women in front of him not answering any of his questions, he just wanted to hear the truth.

She was confusing and there was something about her that he needed to know. Not just that but she drew him closer, he wanted to be near her, he never felt this way, so why now?

He asked her again, but nothing.  She just stood there looking down, she couldn't look in his brown eyes, she knew that she would break down.

The man had enough, he grabbed the women by the neck and pressed her back against a tree.

That motion shocked the women, she looked in his eyes and the first thing she saw hatred, confusion and sadness. She could not look away, not anymore.

As her eyes meet his, he saw that she was shocked but that changed to a look of sadness, pure sadness and fear, that hurt him, he didnt want her to fear him, something inside of him didn't want her to be scared, he couldn't understand.

He could never understand himself when she was around.

His eyes soften and he let her down and held her by the shoulders in a firm grab, scared that she would fall because of the impact.

Again, she looked in his eyes and saw sadness, only sadness, it broke her heart.

Gazing into each other's eyes, as the rest of the world faded away.

And than his voice, it was so small, full of emotions, he was now pleading her to answer him.

She needed to tell him, it had to end, even if she knew that she would lose him, again, and now forever, but she needed to say it.

As they stood there, a moment of stillness passed between them. The raindrops seemed to slow down, and the world became quieter. The young women leaned in closer to his partner. She spoke softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I love you,"

her words barely audible over the sound of the rain.

"Soulmates of Nature: Elijah Mikaelson and the Heart of the Earth."Where stories live. Discover now