The noise might have been minimal but for light sleeper Susan,  it was loud enough to wake her up. Cursing Lucy's curiosity, Susan followed her little sister outside. Both girls slowly began following Aslan quietly, but the great King had  immediately noticed he had company.

"Shouldn't you both be in bed?" He asked, turning to face them.

"We couldn't sleep," Lucy explained.

"Please, Aslan," The Oldest pleaded,  "Couldn't we come with you?"

Aslan looked hesitant.  Lucy noticed that Aslan looked even more solemn than he had in the morning. Clearly, this was no time to ask questions but she could at least be a quiet companion in Aslan's journey. In the end, Aslan caved in, he must have noticed something had changed in Lucy's expression.

"I would be glad of the company for a while," Aslan said,  "Thank you."

The girls stroked his mane softly before walking quietly through all the camp. After what felt like hours, Aslan stopped walking and faced the girls.

"It is time." the Lion declared, " From here, I must go on alone."

"But Aslan..." Susan protested.

"You have to trust me. For this must be done,"  Aslan stated.  "Thank you, Susan. Thank you, Lucy. And farewell."

Susan turned around and led Lucy with her.

"We aren't really leaving, are we?" Lucy whispered.

Susan didn't say anything but Lucy realized her older sister's plans when instead of taking her back to the camp, they were hiding in the woods. A perfect eavesdropping spot to watch and listen to everything.

Aslan was patiently staring at the stars from above, occasionally looking down as if waiting for someone. He seemed in no hurry. Eventually, the sound of footsteps interrupted Aslan's peace. Lucy squinted her eyes until she realized who it was. It was Rory!

It was hard to recognize her at first, Lucy noted. There was no trace of the mischief in her eyes nor a hint of her teasing smile. She looked broken and defeated so unlike the girl the Pevensies had grown fond of.

"Are you ready, princess?" Aslan asked.

Rory clenched her fists in an attempt to hide her shaking hands. No she was not ready. She was terrified but she would never admit it to anyone.

"As ready as I can be," Rory said in a surprisingly even tone.

"Do not be afraid my dear," Aslan encouraged and placed one paw on her clenched fists as a way to support her. "Everything happens for a reason."

Rory sighed. Did she really want to fall into eternal slumber angry? She squeezed his paw and   placed one trembling hand and stroked his fur.

"Thank you," Rory said instead with a watery smile.

"The witch will want to see you first," Aslan said, "I will follow right behind you."

Rory nodded, swallowing her nerves. She will not give the witch the satisfaction of seeing her down. With all the grace and strength of a princess she climbed the cliff where the stone table and the witch were waiting. She was unaware that her dear friends were watching the scene with so much confusion.

The Stone Table was surrounded by the Witch's creatures, holding torches and jeering as the princess and Aslan stepped into the witch's territory.  The Lion was restrained by two minotaurs but they allowed the princess to continue walking until she was face to face with the witch. It was clear that the witch wanted Aslan to see the daughter of his dear friends die first before ending his life too.

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