It was at that moment that all the guilt took over James' body he could no longer stand looking into his friend's eyes. He felt so guilty that his safety was gone. He had betrayed his friend. Sirius was sure to hate him and he could not live like that. He could not live without Sirius. He knew he had brought this upon himself, he was the one after all the only person dating his baby brother, but loving Regulus had become so natural he did not know how to do anything else and no matter who it hurt he did not care because he was able to give happiness, he felt happiness, he felt safe and most importantly he felt love and no matter what Sirius had to say nothing would ever change that. James was a happy bubbly person normally, but with Regulus by his side he felt happier, he felt complete so despite all the guilt he felt for Sirius and for kissing men, he knew that this is who he was and he would not trade his relationship with Regulus for anything and eventually when Sirius finds out he will just have to deal with that fact. "Hey!, Hey James," Sirius said waving a hand in his face with a look of concern. James must have zoned out because Sirius had turned the colour of the wallpaper. completely white. "Pads, I'm alright I promise" James responded holding out his pinky "Oh thank god!" Sirius responded before jumping directly on top of James swashing him directly on the mattress. James just burst out laughing."I was so scared Prongs, I have never seen you that angry and then I had never seen you so upset and then you just blanked and I-I didn't want to lose you" Sirius explained pouting "Sirius I-" James started "Prongs, Just let me talk okay? A lot has happened today and I have no idea if you knew what my reaction was like in the great hall or not because Reggie dragged you out of that room extremely quickly but I want you to know that I do not care who you date, who you fuck in your spare time is not any of my business. it's not anyone's business. I could not care less if you were straight or gay or even somewhere in-between because you are my Prongise. You are literally my other half. You complete me and I wouldn't want anyone else to do that." Sirius explained to his best friend James started crying once more. He wasn't sad this time. He was crying because he was happy, he knew within him that he wouldn't lose his best friend that easily but it is lovely to have that confirmation. "You don't even-" James tries to ask before getting interrupted "I have to ask though, are you one of them?" Sirius asks looking directly at James "One of what. I'm a little confused Pads I-" James asks back confused "A death eater obviously. I can pass you being with boys, and I can get over you being with a Slytherin but you, You've been acting really differently lately and you are dating two death eaters and hanging around my brother who is also a death eater so I just had to ask." Sirius explains further For a second James was frozen on the spot. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to act. His best friend had just asked if he had taken the mark. Did he really think that low of him? It was common knowledge that Regulus and Evan were most likely going to end up being death eaters due to their awful parents but he would have never thought of taking the mark. Well not before he met Regulus and fell in love with him. Now he wasn't so sure. He knew all he wanted was to protect Regulus even if that meant joining the dark side but how could Sirius think he would be swayed so easily to turn his back on everything he had been taught? He was a potter they were not bad people, they were purebloods but so was Sirius, that doesn't automatically make you evil or a death eater. That was all it took, he saw red once more. "I cannot believe you just asked that. No, I do not have the stupid dark mark. I am practically in the order already and not that you deserve this information but Reg is not a death eater and nor is Evan or Barty so stop with your stupid accusations. The fact that we have been friends for six whole years, you've met my parents, you practically become my brother, you know everything about me yet you still think I am capable of becoming a death eater. " James shouted whilst starting to pack a bag "Well, I don't know you anymore. Plus love makes you do stupid shit. I would know, Mooney makes me do all sorts of crazy shit all the time without even meaning to" Sirius tries to explain "Well good for you it only took six years for you to finally admit it. Like seriously how oblivious can you be to not see what was right in front of you? The only reason I did not say anything was that I am not one to out someone whether they know that or not but Gosh I am so mad at you right now you could not understand. Also while we are in this conversation normally not talking to a person makes it a lot harder to get with them so just get over yourself. Snog and make-up and just stop being kids."James shouted back at him "James please calm down"Sirius tried "NO, no you do not get to tell me to calm down. In fact, you can forget this whole conversation. This whole friendship is done, I never want to see your face again and that little fear you have considered it done. Regulus is my best friend now. Screw you, Black. Or better yet screw Mooney maybe it'll put you in a better mood" James replies zipping up his bag "I can't screw Mooney I am mad at him," Sirius replies with sorrow in his eyes "And now we are back to you now. I honestly do not care what you have to say anymore. Tell Mooney I'll see him later because unlike you he doesn't accuse me of being a death eater." James tells Sirius with his hand on the door "But he did out you. "Sirius replies quickly without thinking James just closes his eyes, and takes one deep breath before he is out of the door and heading back to the only place he can really call home lately. The Slytherin dorms. 

"Pureblood" James mumbles before running through the common room with his luggage. This sticks out from a million miles considering he is in all red with a bright red bag stating Gryfindor on it. Honestly, though James did not know if he was a Gryffindor anymore. He felt like a coward going back to the Slytherins, but they had become his safety and he would not give Sirius the satisfaction of seeing him cry, despite that all he was seeing was red. He did not know if it was Avery or Sirius or being accused of becoming a death eater or the loss of trust by his friends. James just felt angry and lost. Very lost "R-R-Regulus" James whispered before collapsing into a ball at the entrance of the boy's dormitory.He wanted to hate himself right now but the minute the chamomile hit his nose he knew he had reached his safety. This was the only moment he allowed himself to stop. This was the only moment he allowed himself to let out his emotions. He knew at that minute no one in that room would judge. He knew at that moment he was home.


translations for the french 

merde = fuck 

"Va te faire foutre" = fuck you!

"Non merci, j'ai Evan pour ça = no thank you I have Evan for that

Je n'avais pas besoin de connaître cette information" = i didn't need to know that information

when the stars finally alineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon