"If anyone can be the ruler of this country, Aurora, it is you" says Stella with a soft smile, pulling Aurora's body into a warm hug. "Everything is going to be alright, I promise." 

"As promised, we are back with the live footage of the guests arriving. Here comes Leila Lecruzziani, who is seventeenth in line for the throne currently, with her family. Her father, Duke James Lecruzziani, is one of the most succesful business men in the Firstworld's Italy, while her mother, Duchess Leonora is the cousin of the late King Astred" says Crystal, the news riporter, as she appears on the screens once again, showing people the guests as they arrive. "Next are the family of Halsteids, who are..." 

"Aurora, you are going to look magneficent. I believe in you" says Saul Silva, as he puts his hand on the girl's shoulder. She looks up at him with tears in her eyes, and he pulls her into a hug. 

"I don't think I can do this" she whispers, looking up at the ceiling so she does not ruin her make up for her big day. 

"Of course you can. You've been trained for this your whole life. You can and you will do it with the utmost perfection" he says with an encouraging smile on his lips, his eyes glossing over with tears. "And if you do not, there will be nothing wrong with that either. Not one royal of this country was perfect. So you don't have to be neither, Aurora" he winishes, then pulls her into his arms. 

"You have to leave, you are going to be late" she says with a big sigh, then with a soft smile she assures him, that she is going to be okay. As soon as he leaves, she asks for a glass of water and a few bites of toast. She quickly eats the food and then she drinks all the water and a glass more as soon as it is placed before her.

"And here come the last two carriages before her soon-to-be majesty, with the most important guests, at least for our Crown Princess. Out of the carriage first steps out Bloom Peters, who has the Dragon Flame in herself, so naturally she is one of the stongest fairies of our lifetime. She is dressed in a green gown, her red hair looks amazing with it, if I just say so myself. Next to her is her fiancee, Sky of Eraklyon, the Personal Guard of our soon-to-be-queen, with his Royal Guard badge. They got engaged a few months ago, it was being announced by Crown Princess Aurora herself, and she assured everyone, that the man would still continue his duty as her personal guard" the black haired woman says to the camera, but it is filming the arriwing guests, the last ones of the day. "And the next carriage is for Saul Silva, famous war hero and the Headmaster of the Specalists at Alfea Collage as well. He is one of the main advisors of Princess Aurora, being appointed by our late Queen Luna at the request of her niece. And with him arrives Riven Williams, the long-term boyfriend of our Crown Princess. He is wearing a red dress shirt with his black suit, so I take to liberty to assume, that his girlfriend is wearing a red dress. We hope to see a royal wedding in the future, so fingers crossed, everyone. They wave at the crown, and then the four of them walk inside the church together. And now, we wait for our future queen." 

Aurora is stood at the doors, her hands trembling with fear. She waved at the crown from her carriage and as she stepped out of it, but she was assisted to the doors almost immediately. As soon as the trumpets' sounds echo in the church, all of the people inside stand up. The traditional form of the coronation is that the monarch walks in by themselves, no long line and other formalities, unlike in the Firstworld. The crown princess watched a few coronations from the Firstworld beforehand, but then after the third one she realized that there were different norms and traditions there and in Solaria. Aurora already broke the rules by letting Stella walk with her, but she knew that she couldn't do this wothout her Star by her side. As the organs start to play the music, she looks back at her blonde companion. Stella nods her head with a smile and the girl turns forward again. She tunes out the music and the faces around her, desperetaly looking for Riven to calm herself down. Once she finds him, he smiles at her with all his teeth and she takes a big breath. 

Once the crown hits Aurora's head, she cannot breath. It is heavy, both physically and mentally. The other crowning items are placed into her hands and on her shoulders, too many for her to remember. She can't even remember the words said to her beforehand, she just knows her own monologues by heart and says them at the right time. She is shaking, a few lights flickering at the back of the church, and Stella makes it stop with a small movement of her hands. Everybody is watching in silence as Aurora walks out of the church and waves at the crowd. It is simply madness, she thinks, that this many people care about her becoming queen. She turns back around and walks back inside, walking along the long way, up to the place she was seated before, the chair moved out of the way, while everybody was focused on her walking. Then, the Aurora gets down on her knees before the Archbishop, as he says his prayer to the Suns and the Moons, the Stars and every single Solarian god. After a while, she gets to stand up and turns towards the crowd. 

"I present you, Her Majesty Aurora Soleil Camilla, Queen of Solaria" the Archbishop says with his deep voice, and she just lets out a long and painful breath she was holding just until now. She is forcing out a smile, but it comes out naturally after catching Stella's eyes. Finally. 

"Long live the Queen!" the crowd inside the church says, repeating the sentense echoing inside for minutes on end. 

The Solarian norm is that the new monarch hosts a grand party for their guests, and even if Aurora doesn't like the traditions of the county, she decided to honour this one. She stands not too far from the door and every guest that comes in, or more like let in, can talk to her for a few minutes, not too long and not too short. It is just small talk, every one of them tells her how she looks beautiful and that she will make a great queen. She couldn't even count her 'thank you's, even if she wanted to. 

"I think I will sleep until noon. At least" says Aurora, as she falls into her bed after taking an hour long shower, next to her Riven. She suggled him inside the castle with the help of Sky and Stella, so that she could have a good night's sleep. 

"I wouldn't be suprised. This was a long day" he answers, pulling her closer to him, kissing the top of her head. "Do you know what I realised?" he asks from her, looking down at the girl in his arms. 

"Do tell" she says, as she pulls away to look at him. She smiles up at him and leans in to give a small kiss on his cheek, to which he gives her a big smile. He then pulls on a fake-serous face, and then looks into her eyes. 

"I can't call you Princess anymore" he says with a dramatic sigh, and she bursts out laughing. 

"Well I can't call you Douchebag either" she says, then leans in for a kiss. He accepts it with a smile, but pulls away rather quickly. 

"How about husband and wife?" he asks with a small smile, and tears cloud her eyes. She could always one-up him, this time is no different. 

"How about mom and dad?" she asks back, and then the both of the start laughing though their tears of happiness. They kiss each other lovingly, then snuggle together, falling asleep. They know that there is a tomorrow for them to talk about these things, being too tired for it tonight. 

And finally, after years of heartbreaks, torture and being a complete mess, the two of them are happy

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