"Not to be rude, or anything, but everybody other than you understood. Leave" Aurora says. 

"Fuck no" the other girl answers. She holds into Sky's hand even more tightly, making the boy hiss from pain. 

"Bloom, please. I must talk with her" to his pleading, she leaves with an angry scoff. Aurora rolls her eyes at her, and then settles down beside Sky. She sits on the bed, her hand automatically holding onto his in a comforting way. Althought, it is unclear to them both, who needs the comfort more. 

"I still do not like your girlfriend, just so you know" she says, then he hums at her. "What happened?" 

"I was running by the lake and it happened so fast. As soon as I was injured I could see them. These things are huge" he says, gestuing with his hand around the room, pointing at the three outside, showing just how big the shadows were. "And they look and smell disgusting. Oh my god, they smell like rotting flesh. They just kept on coming closer, started tearing on my body, but then, they just... Left" 

"Is this what you were wearing?" she asks, looking at his body, and noticing her scarf on the bedside table, which was teared up into tiny pieces. 


"That is my scarf. They weren't tearing at your body, they were tearing at your clothes. They smelled me" she whispers, guilt taking over her mind, but he quickly pulls her into a deep hug and closes his arms around her body. 

"This is not your fault." 

Aurora knew, that this was it. She would defeat the shadows and go down in history as a hero, or she would fail and ruin the whole Otherworld. She orders lockdown on the school, every single student must remain in the courtyard, and she makes sure that they count the people, so nobody is left outside. After a few tears from Stella, she motions for Sky to pulls her cousin from her. She walks out the door, even through Stella's sobs and Riven's pleads. She draws on her magic and pulls a magical barrier around the students and staff. She looks back at her family one last time, saying goodbye with her eyes in advance. 

The girl walk towards a clearing, still inside the schoolgrounds, because she doesn't know the limits of her barrier and if it would fail, she would want to be close. As she puts her hands on the other barrier, the one protecting Alfea itself, she absorbs the power of it. Her magic circulates her body, but she doesn't pay attention to it. She instead lets out a signal all around, her magic swishes through the lands around her. And after a few second, she feels them. 

She figured, that the shadows would probably move with the speed of light, but fortunately she is a light fairy. So, after the first, necessary cut on her body, she can finally see them. She doesn't dare to breath. And then, just like in the movies, they all launch at her at once. 

Aurora is blocking out her thoughts, only moving, when her senses tell her to, using her magic wisely, and killing one shadow after an another. They don't really die, she realizes. They turn into light. So as she defeats more and more, it only gets easier and easier for her. Until one sneaks up on her and cuts her torso, the same place the burned one did more, than a year ago. But this time, she isn't dying. She flies

Her dark red wings cut through the air, and as she looks at the remaining creatures, they all screech in fear. With a few movements, they are killed. She lets her magic work, her arms opening up, rounds and rounds of energy leaving her body, destroying the dark creatures even on the furthest lands from her. Nothing can hide. 

Just as she is about to faint, with a move of her pinky, she opens up the barrier around the Alfeans. And then, she falls from the sky. 

"You have to really, really want to like... absorb it" Aurora says to Bloom, as they are outside of the barrier the younger girl made. 

"I am soory, I really cannot" the redhead says with a sigh, and then Stella steps between them. 

"Do not take this personally, but my love is on the other side, so could you leave the teaching to an another time and just let me in?" she asks from her cousin. Aurora rolls her eyes at the girl, but puts her palm on the barrier and makes it dissapear within seconds. She stumbles a bit, but Riven cathes her effortlessly. 

"You are a powerful fairy, Bloom. You are annoying, but you have potential" the now-brown-haired says to the other girl, then turns around to see the two lovebirds meet for the first time in months. 

Beatrix walks out of the house all confused, but when she sees the group of friends, she has to lean on the doorframe. Stella starts walking towards her, and before anyone could register how or what has happened, the two girls were kissing before all of them. Terra was the first one to cheer, then the others joined in too. Beatrix and Stella pulled away from each other and laughed at the others. Stella took the other's hand and started walking towards her sisters. 

"Bea, this is Isobell and D'arcy. Your sisters" the blonde says, and the three sisters break down crying as they hug each other. Beatrix has never been this happy in her whole life, and from the look Stella gives her, she is sure that there will be many more to come. 

"Aurora?" Riven asks as he walks into her room, with a few yellow roses for his girlfriend. 

"I'm in the shower!" he hears her shouting from the bathroom, so he steps out the room and walk towards the white door. He knocks a few times, but she opens the door up widely, inviting him in. His eyes sparkle, as he walks inside, putting the bouquet down beside the sink, and pulling her body close to his own. "Would you like to join me, Douchebag?" 

"I wouldn't like anything more" he whispers with a low voice, and after carefelly slipping out of his hands, Aurora walks over to the door and locks it with the key. She turns around to walk back to him, but the boy is already in front of her, softly pushing her up against the door and kissing her lovingly. It's not even about want anymore, it has grown to be a sense of comfort. Sex is not just about their needs anymore, this time around, this is about love. Although, their first time after they got togehter was nothing like this. 

flashback - the day after defeating the shadows - Riven's dorm 

She opens his door with such a lovesick and all-consuming smile, that she only realizes his nakedness, when she has already closed the door. He is frozen in place, when he sees her in his shirt and sweatpants, he is in so much shock, that he drops his plastic bottle from his hands. 

"Riven" she whispers, lust taking over her body, as she practically runs over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. He kisses back with just as much force, hoisting her up in his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist in instinct. When he starts kissing down her neck, she pulls away and lets her shirt fall to the floor. 

"What are you doing to me?" he asks, but his question is remained unanswered, because he brings tem to his bed and pushes his erection to her body. There are not many words after this. 

flashback ended - current time - Aurora and Sky's living room 

"Did you two had a good time?" asks Sky with a smirk, as the two young adults walk out from the bathroom. 

"When did you come back?" 

"Well, I came back, heard you two, left, came back again, you were still at it, left again, then came back again. I've been here maybe two minutes max" he says with an eyeroll, making the other two laugh. Aurora finally feels at peace with her life. But not for long. 

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