"Nothing important, Star" she says with a weak voice and continues talking to her cousin. "I am so sorry for not telling you, but your mom asked me not to, because she wanted to be the one. I am so sorry" she cries, her voice cracking after most of the words. 

"Yeah, well, fuck you. My mother is dying!" Stella screams at her, then grabs the first thing she can reach, which is an empty mug on the coffee table, and throws it across the room to a white wall. The mug shatters easily, and so does Aurora's heart seeing her Star looking this broken. Aurora keeps motionless and silent, even after her cousin starts throwing and breaking more and more things in the room. After minutes of the blonde girl's rage, Sky has enough. He grabs her upper arm and walks, more like throws, her out of the suite. Hours pass by between the friends in silence, only the noises of the TV shows running in the backround giving some liveliness in their space. Then, Stella comes back and sits between her cousin's arms, both of the girls crying themselves to sleep. 

"Stella, there are two girls looking for you at our suite" says Terra, barging into the shared suite of Aurora and Sky, waking the trio sleeping on the couch. The seem confused, so the girl repeat herself. 

"What do they want?" asks Stella in a sleepy voice, her eyes red and puffy from all the crying. 

"They say that you wrote to them a few months ago and you never replayed to their letters, so they had to find you" the girl only looks more confused at that, so the earth fairy adds a cruicial information, which to Stella jumps from the couch:" Their names are Isobel and D'arcy" 

"Oh my god" the blonde says repeatedly, then runs through the school, the other three following her close behind. 

"You must be Stella" says a blonde, almost white haired girl, as the four teenagers burst into the room, Stella on the lead, looking around the room immediately. 

"I am" she says with a shaky voice, unsure even about her own name. 

"We are Isobel and D'arcy. We are Beatrix's blood sisters" says the other girl with a soft voice, pulling the girl into a friendly hug. "We were looking for her after she dissapeared, but we were just children then too, so we gave up over time" she starts, then her sister picks up the other part of her speech. 

"When you wrote us, we were happy at first, but then you wrote, that she is dead and it felt like a part of us died too at that moment" says Isobel with tears in her eyes, and every single suitemate of Stella's have their eyes turned away, so their own tears might go unnoticed. 

"I am so sorry, that I couldn't save her. I could walk you over to her grave sometime tomorrow, if you'd like" the blonde offers with a sad voice. 

"We would like that very much, thank you." 

"Hey, so, umm" Bloom starts, stepping in front of the others, her fingers playing with her bracelet, which she got from her mother. "I have something to tell you all" she says, and Aurora can already tell, that she kept something huge from them. She now remember why she never liked the redhead. "After Sky told me this morning, that Aurora is sick and we have to wait until she gets better, until we can get rid of those shadow-things, I think it is for the best if I tell you all... I brought back her" she says, her shoulders visibly dropping, getting the huge weight of her secret. Everyone is silent, nobody daring to say a word, until Aurora breaks the silence. 

"Brought back who?" 

"Beatrix" the redhead says, and everybody around them gasps. " I tried bringing back more people, like all of you guys' parents, but they did not want to come back. Back to Bea,she is at a house, which I made a barrier around" she finishes. 

"Why would you need a barrier?" asks D'arcy from her, and Bloom hangs her head down, looking at her shoes when answering. 

"Because the shadow-things know, that she does not belong her, only to their world, so they attacked us. But we escaped and she is safe, for now. I made the barrier while scared, I am not sure how it works" she says with a huge sigh, looking around, her eyes settling on Stella. "I am sorry, for not telling you, but I promised her. I promised, that I would only tell you, Stella, when she could come out and see you" she whispers, but you could hear a pin dropped in the silence. The two sisters and Stella hug each other while crying, their sobs echoing around the suite for minutes. 

Then, aall of them gather around their coffee table, some on the couch and armchairs, some on pillows on the floor and they talk through the night. Nobody, other than Sky, notices Aurora slipping away from the group. He on the other hand knows, that he can no longer give the girl enough help, so he does what every person knowing Aurora would, and texts Riven. 

"What are you doing here?" asks the boy, walking out from the shadows. 

"Sitting" she answers. She is indeed sitting, out in the courtyard in only her pijamas, shivering from the cold, swaying around from how much alcohol she drank already. 

"Go back to your room, please" he says, but she only looks up at him, and takes another of the one-too-many shots she had taken in the last hour. That is how much time it took Riven to find her. First, he checked their favourite places around the gardens, even went over to Silva's room, but she was nowhere to be found. And then, just as he passed by the windows of the courtyard, he saw her. "Aurora, please, you are sick and drunk. Your body has to heal, please, go inside" he begs the blonde. 

"What is the point, Riv?" 

"The point is you not getting sicker, than you already are. Sky told me everything" he says, getting angry at the girl for not listening to him, but he calms himself and sits down beside her. "Look, Aurora, I care about you" he says, taking the alcohol out of her hands. "More, than I should and more than I want, but I do it nonetheless. Please just get inside from the cold" he begs her once again. 

"I love you" she says, looking up at his eyes, and he freezes in place. She has never said that, well, she implield and messaged it, but this is the first time her telling him it straight up. "I have never told you these three little words, but I've loved for years and it's killing me, Riv. I love you, and I want to spent the rest of my sunrises with you" she cries, and the boy's heart aches for her. Her name means dawn, so her wanting to spend her time of the day with him forever is a big thing. 

"But?" he asks, knowing that the is always a but after this kind of statements. 

"But I don't want to see you suffer from all the things that would fall on your shoulders by being with me" she answers, and he knows, that now, more than ever, Sky was right. She needs a king, not a boyfriend. So, he says the first thing he can, just so he could change the topic of the converstation. 

"You are drunk." 

"That, I am. But I love you even when I'm sober" she answers with a sad voice and lets her head rest on his shoulder. He pulls her closer. 

"Alright, tell me that in the morning, okay?" she only hums at that, the boy slowling standing up from the bench. He grabs a hold of her hands, then squats down in front of her, once again, begging her to go to her room. "Now please, let me walk you back to your dorm" he says. 

"Okay" answers Aurora, then the two of them start walking back towards her suite, as she stumbles left and right. Riven gets tired of that in about half a minute and grabs her bridal style, carrying the drunk princess to her room. She only snuggles closer to his body after she makes sure, that she is not dreaming. 

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