“Thank you, Harry, that's very kind… I can't wait.” She forced a smile, shooting a glare at Ace and Deuce, who refrained from laughing.

“You two must have taken your studies seriously to be this confident. I know Grim did at least one cram session…” Celeste raised an eyebrow at them. Their confidence was a bit unusual, but perhaps they had turned a new leaf.

“Yeah, it was a breeze,” Ace smirked at her, shrugging off her suspicious gaze.

“Anyway, exams are over, so I'm gonna hit up the track club.” Deuce changed the subject and Ace nodded.

“Y'know, I could stand to get some exercise at the basketball club. You coming, Harry?” Ace glanced back at Harry as he and Deuce made for the door.

“Sure. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Celeste.” Harry waved goodbye as he left with Ace and Deuce.

“Let's head back to the dorm, Celeste. I'm really feelin' that all-nighter. And before you ask, no, I won't eat that cake for you.” Grim shot her a knowing look before padding out of the classroom. Celeste's shoulders slumped as she resigned to her fate.

Azul watched as Floyd squeezed an Octavinelle student for skipping out on his shift at the Lounge, and let out a sigh. “I can only hope this year provides me with better clients than the last…”

Jade chuckled beside him. “I look forward to seeing those final exam scores come in.”

“Indeed,” Azul answered with a sly grin. Nonetheless, he felt a slight twinge of frustration. He'd still been unsuccessful in persuading Celeste to sign a contract. Sure, she wasn't the first student to slip through his fingers but… Her secretive nature intrigued him. Unfortunately, he hadn't had the time to dig into her background due to his busy schedule.

She'd been uninterested in his study guide, but he had hoped she would change her mind. However, she hadn't so much as graced the Lounge with her presence. Even if she didn't have access to her wealth anymore, as she had disclosed to him, he could still benefit from having her at his disposal. He had also been hoping to expand the Mostro Lounge and Ramshackle would be an ideal location. Not to mention, her feminine charms would undoubtedly bring business to the Lounge.

Nonetheless, he had a trump card on her, which, oddly enough, he'd acquired from a tip dropped by the Headmaster. His mind wandered to what had transpired in the library just the other day.

Azul had been returning some study materials after the first exam. Rounding a bookshelf, he was surprised to see the Headmaster rummaging through the shelf.

“Good afternoon Headmage. Are you looking for something in particular?” He asked as the Headmaster spun around.

“Mr. Ashengrotto! I was hoping the book I've been searching for had found its way back here, but alas…!” Crowley froze when his eyes fell on a book he had in his hands.

“AH! By the Seven, there it is!” He exclaimed, suddenly, causing Azul to jump slightly. “The book on the Age of Legend! I've been searching for weeks!”

Azul adjusted his glasses. “Yes, I was just returning it. I borrowed it quite some time ago and haven't had the time to bring it back. My apologies.” He handed the Headmaster the book.
Just then, there was a commotion as Celeste and Grim entered the library. Celeste was toting a large stack of books, which she dropped on a table with a loud thud.

“Can we get this over with? I wanna go home. That exam really took it outta me.” Grim whined, slumping over the table.

“It'll only be a few minutes, Grim. Though it wouldn't hurt you to read a few books yourself.” Celeste said, gathering some books and moving to the other side of the library to return them to their proper place.

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