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'My tongue is tasteless, my heart is barren'

Laura wiped her mouth, swallowing her saliva and her arms resting on the toilet bowl

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Laura wiped her mouth, swallowing her saliva and her arms resting on the toilet bowl. The young girl left a few last tears drop from her puffy eyes before grabbing a tissues and drying her face.

Her throat was aching, like every time, but she had learned to enjoy and cherish the pain. So there she was, not able to keep any food in her system for more than four hours.

She knew Jude had texted her a few minutes ago because he always did when he finished training. That was the first thing in his mind. Well, Laura was basically the only thing in his mind. So he never failed to send her text to see how she was doing.

Jude did not know about the girl's illness. At least that was what Laura wanted to believe. She had never told him and she wasn't counted on doing so, she was hoping that she would heal before he'll even realise.

Obviously the signs were too big for him to not notice them. He did know she had problems with food and self love, but never he would even think about her putting her own body through this much pain. So he tried his hardest to be here at every dinner and lunch, but he was never there after. Where Laura needed him. She could never admit it. But she did.

While she slalomed through her apartment's corridors, finally arriving into her living room, she could hear her phone ringing from where she had left it on the couch.

When she grabbed it, she was met with Jude's contact name and the silly picture he had took with her phone himself. Obviously it was him, who else would it be ?

Sometimes Alexa would ring her to tell her about her new boyfriend or this guy she was seeing which who she had chemistry with but that will end up being ghosted in a few days.

But Laura really liked seeing his face on the screen. She picked up and was met with his smiley face.

"Hi" he said, showing his white and perfect teeth, automatically giving her the same smile. "Hi"

"I was thinking maybe I could head to yours and we could order some food and watch a movie. What do you think ?"

"Yes totally, when are you coming ? I have to clean a bit it's messy here."

"I'd say twenty minutes, wait for me I'll clean with you, alright ?"

"Jude I'm-"

"Okay bye, love you." He said, smiling brightly before hanging up not wanting to hear his best friend groan and tell him that she wouldn't wait for him. He knew she probably wouldn't anyway but there was nothing that he loved more than make her eyes roll.

When he finally arrived, the young boy couldn't wait to be in the girl's apartment. It was the only place where he truly felt home. He used to think that the decoration and the architecture of the apartement was why being there felt so comfortable and he could barely feel any anxiety. But growing up taught him that home wasn't always a place, his home was in Laura's arms and right now, he couldn't wait to be home.

Entering the loft with his own key, his eyes settled on the empty living room, he made sure that Laura would know he was here by yelling her name at the top of his lungs as if the girl had no neighbours and he already knew that the first thing she will tell him was to be quieter, like always.

He could hear her footsteps on the corridor before seeing her shocked face and furrowed brows "Have you gone crazy ? Don't yell like that, everyone in this building is gonna hate me." Not any ounce of remorse could be read on Jude's face, only the brightest of every smile. "Hi, I'm glad to see you too, I missed you." He said while taking his shoes and jacket off before smashing his body on the couch.

"You saw me two days ago, Jude."

"I did indeed, but two days without you is too long for me." He answered putting on a hangdog expression making Laura smile before sitting next to him. "What do you wanna eat ?" He asked, taking his phone out of his pocket and opening Uber eat.

"I'm not really hungry-"

"By the time they'll deliver you'll be hungry, I know you."

"No, I have this belly ache I promise I'm not hungry tonight."

"I don't like eating alone, please take something" Jude tried convincing her "We can order indian I know it's your fav-"

"You don't even like it-"

"Who cares about what I like." He stopped himself when he saw the look on the girl's face and understood that she wasn't near to say yes. "Okay then, I'll take more food and you'll just eat in mine." He smiled while she rolled her eyes, ordered and open his arms inventing her to come melt in his arms. Which she gladly did.

Laura would never admit it but having someone that was worrying for her made her feel a little less alone, and sometimes that was all she was asking for, to not be alone, to not be without him.

Not me stealing phatbaallzz 's aesthetic because I wanna be her so bad
(This chapter is dedicated to my Laura, I love you Peithovsx )

by DollHurtFace

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