Chapter 2: The Unexpected

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After entering the tunnels, Julian saw a mysterious shadow mimicking the shape of a man. It looked about 6 feet tall and looked intimidating. Julian wasn't the type who got scared easily. She's been dealt with worse and she recognizes that the world isn't what it seems to be.

It's not a place where happily ever afters exist and where anyone can be happy without having faced not even a single hardship. Every single person has to go through a difficult time of their lives for them to truly cherish the little happiness they gather.

The mysterious shadow seemed to linger about her but disappeared within a minute or so and it seemed like it was never there. People say that the most scary thing that exists are myths about ghosts and grim reapers but that is their misconception.

They haven't seen the realest of the scariest thing that the world possesses simply because it has never shown itself to the cowards that are known as humans. Julian, on the other hand, may have known about them just because she came upon them by chance but she wishes she never had. She wishes that she never saw the darker side of the world. She wished that she would've always remained the same.

Someone who cherished small things and loved acts of services. But as she came up the them, the things no human being can comprehend, she came upon the realization that she may have not been a complete human at all.

But she knew in the deepest part of her heart, that she was a human but came upon circumstances that led to her thinking that she wasn't one. People mislead others. But the shadows that she resides in, none would ever betray her. She's seen too much of the world to know that the shadows are just a part of yourself.

The day you start accepting your shadows, is the day you overcame the fact that you're a mere human. Humans have the tendency to show unending curiosity. That curiosity sometimes leads towards one's doom or one's ultimate success.

Once she lived in the warm embrace of her home. She never knew the embrace her mother but her father was always there for her. He supported every little thing she wished for. He was the kindest person she ever knew. But her world came crumbling down when she found out that her world was just a small room in the slums. Her world wasn't her father. It was because her father wasn't the person she thought he was. The room didn't betray her, her father had.

Her father wasn't a gambler. She knew that. Yet she still was shocked out of her wits when she found out that her father was a smuggler and a human trafficker. He never behaved inhumanly infront of her and yet she still got a whiff that her father wasn't the person she thought he was.

Her father worked every night instead of everyday. Her father used to tuck her in and say he was going to his bed and yet she always heard the main door closing when she almost fell asleep.

The day she found her father being a human trafficker, was the day she let go of all hope in humanity and came upon the scary part of the world. She thought she had seen it all and yet that was her most foolish thought. 

She kept on wandering the tunnels until she found one where she could stay for a little while to rest. She lit a fire with a few sticks lying about and warmed her hands. She wandered about for so long that she didn't even comprehend the fact that she had been exploring for hours without end. Those tunnels seemed endless.

She fell asleep in a mere moment when she lay down. But she didn't knew what was coming for her......

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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