Chapter 3

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As time went on. Multiple rendevous with a certain green eyed beauty. Although the queen hated that Y/N ruined every meeting with the women she had arranged to be his suitors. To be his Queen. Not knowing he had already found his Queen.

"Wow. No women to throw themselves at my feet." Y/N beamed as the Queen looked at him with a disapproving look.

"Y/N. I am highly disappointed in you." She scolded him. "You have to marry before your father retires his right to the thrown. If you aren't married by then, the throne will go to the Arch Bishop Rogers. Do you want to destroy the family legacy with this rebellion."

"My dear." King Henry tried to reign her in.

"Don't!" She yelled at him. "I have set these women up to become possible suiters for you."

"I don't want any of them mother." Y/N said with irritation in his voice. "I have already found someone. My Queen. The one who I want to spend by my side."

"What is her name?" The Queen asked him.

"Wanda Maximoff." Y/N spoke proudly.

"The poor farmer's daughter?" She asked with disgust in her tone.

"I don't care that she is poor. I care that she is the one I want beside me as I rule the kingdom. She will be the one to put me in my place. She will be the one who will guide me to be the best King for our people." He told her. King Henry sitting there with a proud smile on his face. "I don't want a woman who throws herself at me the moment she is in my presence. So yes, Wanda Maximoff will be my Queen and that is the end of this discussion."

"And when do you plan on asking for her hand in matrimony?" She asked him.

"I plan on asking her father first. Whom I have a meeting with this mid noon." Y/N told her. She just sighed as she looked at him. "And then I will ask her to accompany on a sunset ride through the meadow and ask her for her hand."

"That's all good but." The Queen started.

"There is no But." Y/N banged down on the table. "I want a queen I will love until my dying day. Whether it be on the battle field or not."

"You may be excused Y/N." The Queen spoke with a stern glare. "Your father and I need to talk."

"Yes Your Majesty." Y/N bowed sarcastically before leaving the dining hall.

"You are going to allow him to talk to me like that?" She asked the King.

"He is his own man." King Henry told her.

"I am the Queen. He should show me some respect." She yelled. "How is he supposed to take his rightful place as King when he doesn't know his place right now."

"He just wants to make his own way in the kingdom. You can't expect anything less from that." King Henry told the Queen.

"He needs to know his place." The Queen stated as she stood from her chair. "He needs to have a bride who knows ettiquacy. Some one with class. Not a farmer's child."

"He deserves to have a woman he loves to rule by his side. Not some floosie you pick to be his Queen." King Henry told her as she scoffed.

"I was once one of those floosie's from the village." She yelled at him. "So by you both insulting those women, you are both insulting me and the woman I used to be."

"I wouldn't have married you if it wasn't for my mothers plite." King Henry seethed as she gasped. "I had my own farmer's daughter. Her name was Iryna but of course my mother forbode it."

"So I was your mother's choice." The Queen yelled. "You never really loved me."

"I did at some point." King Henry told her. "I can promise I did. Especially when you gave birth to our son. I loved you the most in that moment. You gave me my heir."

"You are." She started as she was extremely angry before the King raised his hand to silence her.

"I am going to accompany my son on his quest for Miss Maximoff's hand in marriage." King Henry told her tiredly. Leaving her alone in the dining hall.

When he was gone, she made her way towards the Arch Bishop's quarters with haste.

"What can I do for you my Queen." Arch Bishop Rogers spoke as she entered his quarters.

"I need your help." The Queen spoke hastily. "It seems as the King is trying to ruin the Kingdom by giving the throne to Prince Y/N and allowing him to pick his own bride."

"So what do you suggest we do." He asked her softly.

"We need to get King Henry out of the picture." She told him.

"Maybe we can antagonise a war with the neighbouring Kingdom." He suggested. "That way, we may be able to remove both The King and Prince from the kingdom."

"And it will be mine." The Queen smiled.

"Why is it that you want to do this Your Majesty?" He asked her

"I have always wanted to make a change within the Kingdom. And being the Queen limits my influences." She told him.

"Who will rule beside you as your King?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You." She smirked as she soon turned to exit the room. Making her way to the tapestry room with a smile on her face. Kmowing that the plan to over throw the throne will be complete and she will rule the Kingdom as the Mourning Queen. Who lost her King in battle.

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