Chapter 1

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Y/N Y/L/N was the only son of King Henry Y/L/N. He was the heir to the throne. The King and Prince would go on daily walks through the castle gardens. In the safety of the knights that protect them.

"You must find a bride before you can take your rightful place on the throne." The King informed him. "Behind every great King is an even greater Queen. Be sure that she is the one who holds your heart son."

"Yes father." He mumbled. Y/N preferred battle over courting. He enjoyed the sounds of the swords clanging. The screams of the fallen soldiers. The smell of brimstone in the air.

"You must do this Y/N." The King told him more sternly. "The throne must remain in Y/L/N hands. So that is your duty. You are no longer going into battle until after you are married."

Y/N hated the idea of being tied to non violent activities. He hated it. Luckily for him, his personal guard will always be ready to spar with the young prince.

"You are getting sloppy sire." Buchanan spoke as he knocked the sword from the Prince's grasp.

"I do apologise." Y/N sighed as he picked the sword up once more. "Father is on me constantly over finding a fair maiden before I take my rightful place on the throne."

"Maybe the one you maybe looking for does not reside within the kingdom." Buchanan spoke. "Maybe you will find her past the meadows."

"Shall we ride?" Y/N asked him as he smiled at the Prince.

"Only if you persue her like the gentleman you should be and not the greedy King you could be." He told them. Y/N just nodded as they placed their swords within their sheeths before making their way to the stables.

Y/N stepped upon his black horse alongside Buchanan. The two then travelled out of the safe walls of the kingdom and through the surrounding village. They both soon reached the Meadows in no time.

"Was it always this beautiful out here?" Y/N asked as he admired the different colours of the wild flowers that grew on the green fields.

"It has been Sire." Buchanan spoke as they trotted through the fields. Y/N saw a few women were flower picking in the fields. But his eyes caught sight of a brunette who was stood beside a silver haired man.

"There?" Y/N pointed her out to Buchanan.

"Well, go and introduce yourself sire." He told him. "You'd think you were never taught how to speak to women."

"Well I was raised within a castle. My father being His Majesty." Y/N told him. "Not many social skills to be learned Buchanan."

Buchanan chuckled as he watched the young prince dismount his horse. Handing the reigns to Buchanan before he approached the brunette.

"Excuse me ma'am?" He called out to her as she turned to face him.

"I am not a ma'am." She told him as she looked him over. The silver haired man stood behind and nudged her.

"Wanda. That is the Prince." He whispered to his sister. "Apologies Your Highness. My sister is unsocialable."

"That's quite alright sir." Y/N waved him off before turning to Wanda. "If you are not a Ma'am, are you a princess?" Y/N smirked as Buchanan shook his head.

"Smooth." He whispered in Y/N's ear.

"No sir. My name is Wanda. Wanda Maximoff." She introduced herself with a curtsy.

"Wanda, would you care to join me on a stroll?" Y/N asked her with a smile as he kept eye contact with the brunette holding out his arm for her to take.

"I would love to." Wanda smiled as she took his arm. "I do apologise for earlier."

"Don't apologise." He smiled at her as they walked. Buchanan and Pietro following behind. Just far enough behind to give them some privacy. "I admire a woman who can speak her mind." Y/N smiled as Wanda chuckled lightly.

"So what brings you hear sire?" She asked as they walked through the fields.

"Please, call me Y/N." He said softly. "Also my father wants me to marry a fair maiden and if he has his way, he will pick one of the floosies within the village." He said as he admired her side profile. "I prefer it when I get to court them and not have them fall at my feet the moment they are in my presence."

"So you thought about coming out here. To the meadows?" She asked him as he nodded.

"I find you quite intriguing Wanda and I would like to get to know you more." He smiled softly at her.

"But I am just a typical poor farmer's daughter. Why not go for a woman who knows how to wear those clothes that come with royalty?" She asked him as he stopped walking and turned to face her.

"I like to see the beauty behind all of that make up. The glamour and the dresses." He sighed. "I have been around that all of my life. My mother was one of those floosies. Of course never let her know I said that." He joked making her laugh. "I want a humble and selfless bride. Someone who can keep me in my place." He sighed before they continued to walk back towards the horses. "So would you do me the honour of allowing me to court you?"

"Can't you like make it a King's decree or something like that?" She asked him.

"I want you to choose this Wanda. You have a choice and whatever your answer may be. I will respect that." He told her. "Despite my father being King Henry, I still know how to show respect."

"Well then yes." She answered him. "I would like to get to know you too."

"Perfect! I will be back here tomorrow at high noon." He told her as the four of them reached the horses. "Until then Wanda." He kissed her cheek before mounting his horse.

"Until then Y/N." Wanda beamed up at him. He tipped his hat as he and his Royal Guard rode back into the castle.

"So, how was she sire?" Buchanan asked the prince.

"She was perfect." Y/N smiled over at his guard. "She was different. Unexpected."

"How so?" He asked the Prince.

"She wasn't afraid to speak her mind." Y/N smiled at the thought of her. "She had these mesmerising eyes. The shade of green is like none I have ever seen before and a beauty beyond compare. She needs no make up."

"You sound like you're already falling for her sire." He smirked as they approached the castle.

"I think I might just be." Y/N smiled as they trotted through the gates. Dismounting their steeds and stowing them in the stables before retiring to their quarters.

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