Chapter 1: Fuck this world

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The city outside buzzed with life as people crowded the streets, their laughter and chatter filling the air. The hum of car engines and the distant sound of live music resonated throughout the night, painting a vivid picture of urban excitement. The world seemed to be alive with color, a stark contrast to the cold and lifeless office where Lucian sat, staring at the screen.

Inside the office, fluorescent lights flickered overhead, casting a harsh, sterile glow on the rows of cubicles below. Lucian rubbed his tired eyes, struggling to focus on the endless lines of code that filled his monitor. The monotonous tapping of keyboards and the occasional sigh from his coworkers formed a disheartening soundtrack to his late-night grind.

He glanced at the clock on his monitor and muttered to himself, "I can't do this anymore. I need a change."

Taking a deep breath, Lucian turned to his deskmate, Sarah. "Hey, Sarah, are you planning to stay much longer?"

Sarah, who looked just as exhausted as Lucian felt, shook her head. "I wish I could leave now, but I have a deadline to meet," she replied wearily. "You go ahead, though. Don't let me keep you."

"Alright," Lucian said, hesitating for a moment. "You take care of yourself, okay? Don't work too hard."

With a small, tired smile, Sarah nodded. "You too, Lucian. Have a good night."

Collecting his belongings, Lucian shut down his computer and waved a half-hearted goodbye to his equally drained coworkers. As he stepped out of the office and into the bustling cityscape, the contrast between the two worlds hit him even harder.

The vibrant energy of the city seemed to mock his own mundane existence. People were enjoying their lives, laughing with friends and sharing intimate moments with loved ones. A pang of envy welled up inside him as he hurried toward the train station, desperate to escape his own reality.

Once on board, the train's dimly lit car was filled with the familiar crowd of exhausted commuters. Lucian found an empty seat and sank into it, feeling the weight of another long day bearing down on him. As the train pulled away from the station, he leaned his head against the window and sighed, "There has to be more to life than this."

The train sped through the city, its hypnotic hum and rhythmic clack of the wheels on the tracks weaving a soothing melody that lulled Lucian into a light doze. He felt the weight of the day's stress slowly lift from his shoulders, his mind drifting through the haze of dreams. But this fleeting respite was not to last.

A deafening roar shattered the tranquil atmosphere, followed by a bone-shaking crash that cleaved through the fog of sleep. It was as if a thunderous titan had clapped its hands together, the sound resonating through the very core of Lucian's being. The train, once a symbol of comfort and reprieve, now careened off its tracks like a wild, untamed beast, its metallic frame groaning and screeching in protest.

"Is that an earthquake?!" a woman shrieked, her voice quivering with terror as the train began to shake.

"What's going on?!" a man shouted, his face pale and stricken with fear.

The train collided with a massive, monstrous giant that emerged from the darkest abyss of human nightmares. Its immense form, a grotesque combination of taut muscles and thick, gnarled skin, cast an ominous shadow over the city like a vengeful titan, filling the air with palpable tension. The ancient, battle-scarred helmet perched atop its head barely concealed a twisted, snarling visage, oozing menace and rage.

A single, sinister horn, razor-sharp and curved like a scythe, pierced the heavens from the center of its forehead. The creature's eyes, twin pools of smoldering malice, burned with an unfathomable fury that seemed to defy the very laws of nature. The air crackled with electric energy as the giant's very presence incited an instinctual dread in all who bore witness to its terrifying form.

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