Chapter 7

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We were strolling through the streets of Shibuya heading towards our usual diner. I had to carry Mikey on back since Draken refused, I knew he was good for nothing. The damn baldass. “Hey Kiki, have you done anything interesting lately?”. Where did this come out from? I didn’t get discovered did I? I sweated profusely but kept a smile on my face as I answered. “Nah not really, beating up a few people here and there but otherwise everything’s normal”. “Hmm”. We finally arrived at our destination which was Itokan diner. Oh crap I hope the guys aren’t there, or else I’ll be doomed. We headed inside and we’re surprised to see only three people inside. Oh well. It seems it’s not my time yet. “Hey Kiki!”. “Hey Kabuto. Can we have one kids meal and two bowls of ramen please? Spicy though”. “Okay I’ll bring it out in a sec”. The door jingled but when I turned to look, nobody was there. But I saw some gross yellow hair sticking out from the top of a booth. “Here’s your food”. “Thanks Kabuto”. “There’s no flag!”.Oh shit. “I only got the kids meal because of the flag!.”. “I’m sorry! I’ll bring one right away!”, sweat-dropped Kabuto while I just ate my ramen in silence. “Here Mikey. Your flag”. Mikey instantly brightened up and sparkled surrounded him. “Thanks Ken-chin you’re the best!”. Kabuto scurried away as he didn’t want anymore conflict. “That’s it! I’ve had enough Mikey!”. I just munched as I glanced at Mikey’s sleeping form. For some reason on my lap. “Mmm. Can’t eat anymore. Hmm”. “You’re carrying him this time Ken-chin. Just let me finish my ramen bowl”. We were in the furthest booth so we could see what happened next.

“Why do we have to watch the store? Huh?”. “I’m the senpai". “That’s true". The door opened as a pair of feet entered the restaurant. “If your looking for Naomi, she went shopping”. A man sat beside Ozawa as he asked “Who are you?”. A shout was heard as Ozawa looked towards a corner where a male sprayed pepper spray into one of the people here. Another guy made sure the big one didn’t escape. “And you are?”. “I am.....”. “Well that doesn’t matter", Koo said as he sent a punch across Ozawa's face. Rocky entered the restaurant with a few other people looking around. Oh come on! Can’t I rest for one day!? And what did these morons do this time!”

“I’m different from the rest, got it?”. The four people behind him laughed as they split up around the diner. Rocky walked around the space, opening and closing the handcuffs. “I am the original”. One of them put on a classic record as they started to wreak havoc on the diner. CD’s were broken, papers were thrown, baskets emptied their contents spilling all over the place. Chairs were thrown, the White rascals symbol spray painted in white over the Hoodlum squad symbol. “Shouldn’t we help them?”, asked Draken as an irk mark started to form on his bald head. “Nah. Just be quiet and avoid getting seen”, I hissed. Rocky pulled down the chandelier just as the door opened moments later. Naomi looked at the trashed place as she threw down the light bag she was carrying. “What do you think you’re doing!?”. She came over and shoved Rocky but he just pushed her aside. She tried to punch him and kick him but he just held her back. “Let go!”. “Stop". She paused as he pointed his cane at her. “I don’t hit women". “At least the guys got morals”, commented Draken as I froze in place when Shimura noticed me, sending me a wide grin which was kinda disturbing. Koo came over and crouched on the table, showing a picture on his phone. “This is the bad guy". “Dan?". Rocky pushed down his glasses as he looked at her. “So his name is Dan". “Mmm. I’m pretty sure we can get much more information from her”, grinned Shimura as he pointed a finger at me. “Kiki? What are you doing here?”, asked Naomi as Draken started burning a hole into the side of my head. “Um hi? We’ll get going now so goodbye!”, I said as I slung Mikey over my shoulder, grabbed Draken and made a run for the fire exit. “HEY! GET BACK HERE!”. “No thanks I’d rather live a bit longer!”. We raced towards our next destination which was a hospital, me and Draken huffing from the exertion. “What…. Was that?”. “Those….were some annoying rats! Now let’s go see the girl. “Huh? We already arrived?”. He slept through all of that?

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