Chapter 1

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Mrs Fergus is in the gif

Chapter 1

It was a month since the execution; the council had rushed me away from the horrid scene to keep me safe and untouched from the Wolfgang pack. I had spent that time in a small cabin, which was situated miles away from anywhere I knew, in a country I couldn't pronounce the name of. My aunt ended up being left behind, and with minimal contact, I worried about her safety.

I had spent a lot of time with my wolf, who much like I, was upset, through the runs in the morning she howled low and heart breaking, she was as close to my dad's wolf as I was to the man himself. This new place was unnerving, especially as we were alone.

I shook my large, furry head as I made my way back to the cabin, in lame attempts to soothe my tears. Shifting, I noticed a large, yellow, parchment envelop laid delicately on the porch. Pulling the contents out, my eyes immediately feel onto the cursive text.

'Volkov Palace

1st November

Due to a recent enlightenment by the Elder Council of Lycanthrope, we have taken the duty of securing you a place in our ranks. There would be no safer place for you than here with us. If choosing to accept the place here, we shall also secure you placement as a maid here. If accepting, a car shall be picking you up promptly at 10am.

Please consider a place with us at Volkov Palace

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Fergus'

I stood, rereading the letter, over and over. What was this? Volkov Palace? The place where the royalty pack reside. As a maid? I slumped against the wall; I don't have to live here anymore? Checking the clock through the window the time read 9.30. Crap, I've got to get my stuff together.

Half an hour later and I was ready, clean clothes on, fiery red hair swept back into a neat bun, and my eyes emphasised with just a thin layer of eyeliner. I was nervous, this was all too sudden. What if it was a trap? What if the Wolfgang pack had found out that I was residing here and set this all up? I had no time to ponder anymore as a car pulled into view. It looked expensive, with blacked out windows, personalised number plates and a man with a well-tailored suit driving it. He nodded and I nodded back. The door was pushed open and out came a tiny, old woman, who didn't look a day over 50 with short neat blondish hair and grey eyes hidden behind silver rimmed glasses.

"Soleil Archimedes?" Her voice held a slight stiffness yet still gave a loving mother tone.


"I'm Mrs Fergus. Come here, lovely. I'm sure it has been a rough time." She outstretched her hand and I took it, allowing her to lead me to the car. "Now, I have to give you your papers as each maid must carry these around to ensure that they aren't attempting to massacre the royal family, silly I know, but it helps put the queens mind to rest." She handed me a small passport type of identification, an image of my face was inside along with my birth details, birth name, role in the palace and other relevant information.

"Sorry to be rude, but how did you get this information?" It seemed bizarre and instantly I regretted stepping into the car, it was the Wolfgang pack. My heart rate hammered in my chest at the same speed as a humming bird.

"The council provided all the regular information, I believe this is your last school photo and the information was all in your files at their headquarters."

"So you're not the Wolfgang pack?"

"Goddess no, honey! We aren't savage monsters." My heart rate began relaxing. "Now, I shall run through a few things about what you need to understand in your role and the rules that come with it."

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