EPISODE Scent of you MV Shoot Sketch &TEAM

166 5 0

March 5, 2023

all: go one go one let's go Y/n: Maki [you go and hug him] Maki: what happen Y/n: nothing [we all got together to go over the moves] all: nice to meet you though I haven't seen you yet Y/n: hi I feel sorry for my people since they took 2 hours to do my curls but I'm thankful they were able to finish in time Y/n: wow Fuma you look good [you took out your phone to take a picture] Nicholas: okay Taki you look awesome Taki: huh Nicholas: cute Taki: did you say I look awesome thanks Nicholas: no you look cute woah Fuma EJ: he's an adult Nicholas: you're an adult too Y/n: aren't your one too Fuma: this here let's take a screenshot Maki: you're an adult I'm chasing the scent of you means we're following your scent, we discover the scent like this and follow it. It's about heading out to find your people Y/n: yep [Maki back hugs you] Y/n: I like the beat in the song it's so catchy [we did some scenes and took our break now you were watching the guys carrying Fuma & EJ after we were watching Fuma part] K: seeing how it goes this is okay too Fuma: that's too hard K: the next take is the real thing Taki: I think we can go a little more EJ: from here like this [does the movement] Y/n: Maki I miss you Maki: I miss you too what do you want to do later Y/n: let's watch a show or a movie while eating something [you grabs his hand] Maki: A movie would be good Y/n: okay [K and Taki was playing around then we did the scene with Taki] staff: Y/n it's your turn with Maki Y/n: okay come on [you grab his hand during the scene Maki has his mouth by your neck while you do the same thing to him and then you by yourself. After it was Nicholas then it was Maki] staff: Maki scene Y/n: good luck love Maki: Maki moving in [we all laugh] Y/n: you know I just notice that we 3 match Yuma: true Maki: I get why Y/n and I match but why you [he hugs behind you and you hold his both hands in front] Y/n: don't be rude Yuma: I also founded it weird because you two always match [after his scene you were with EJ and Maki] Maki: EJ scent I'm not sure EJ: I just and tangerines so I smell like tangerines haha Maki: he says he smell like tangerines Y/n: tangerines [Maki goes to you and does the same thing but he gives you kiss on your neck] Y/n: Maki [you turn to him with red cheeks] Maki: what Y/n: okay let me do the same to you Maki: okay [he lowers his body and give him 2 neck kisses] Maki: hey Y/n: bye [and you left and you all were going over the last part of the routine] Y/n: ohhh Fuma you look handsome Fuma: thank you Nicholas: should I smile or just look cool Y/n: smile because you look cute but look cool because you look hot Nicholas: I'm wondering what to do [we did one scene] Fuma: let's go one more time Yuma: okay Y/n: yes dad [after Maki scene we were done] all: great job thank you Y/n: bye guys I want food [you run to your staff] Y/n: thank you 


-K's charisma is in another level he always slay

-I can't stop listening to this song it's perfect 

-I wonder why Y/n did to Maki for him to say hey to her

-Maki & Y/n are always matching like the staffs knows what's going on 

-All of these shooting sketches really show how much the older members treat the younger members, harua especially, as like their kids/little brothers lol. It's so cute, I love their bonds with each other.

-Welcome to another episode of Nicholas and euijoo being funny without even trying ft. Fuma kun Please this 2:20 the caption 💀 and there's our fuma kun 2:25 the adult? 😂

-Y/n calling Maki love is so cute 

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