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Jack's POV:

As I walk through the doors of North's shop I make my way through the crowd of elves and towards his office.

"Hey North, I know your busy but I was wondering if you knew who Peter Pan was?" He was such an odd guy...the way his mood changed so quickly. The way he acted, all together, seemed odd.

"Peter Pan? I can't say I know anyone by that name, and I know them all. Why?" North says, not looking away from the toy boat he was making.

"I met someone not long ago in London, he kept calling me an 'odd winter fairy' and asking what happened to my wings." I say, shrugging my shoulders while I shove my hands in my hoodie pocket. I shift my gaze to Tooth, who started laughing in the corner of the office with East and Sandy joining in. I shoot them a frown.

"Sorry Jack, it's just I've never heard of winter fairies. The only fairies I know our mine. Aside from stories I can't say much." Tooth says, an apologetic smile on her face.

"Peter Pan you say? I think that'd be a name one can remember. Can't say I've ever met a lad with that name." East says, clearly trying not to laugh. I just continue to frown as I move a hand to my shoulder. What happened to my wings?...such an out of no where thing to ask. I look to Sandy who gives a shrug as a question mark shows up above his head. He doesn't know either.

"...If you'd like Jack, I could look into the name but I can't promise I'd find anything useful." I look up to North, his eyes seem to be filled with concern. I give him a nod.

"Peter Pan? I've met him before." I shoot a glare in the direction of the voice. Pitch....after the incident with Jamie and the other kids he started trying to change his ways. He hasn't done anything to cause suspicion for the past 10 years, just lending us a hand here and there. But I still can't let go what he did.

"You met him?" I ask, disbelief evident in my voice.

"Well...not formally, but I met his shadow. It's not something I can just forget, his shadow had a mind of it's own. But I can assure you, Frost, Peter Pan is not someone you can figure out. Plus, the chances of seeing him again are low, he comes and goes as he pleases." What does that mean?

"I'm saying, if you want to meet him again, it's nearly impossible. I bumped into his shadow by accident, and...." I give him a confused look, the same one the other Guardians are giving him.

"It slapped me.....I tried controlling it, for some reason it didn't work, it slapped me, It even laughed at me!" Wait....pffffhahahha!

"You? You couldn't control a shadow and it even mocked you?" I try to control my laughing, trying to sympathize with Pitch, but it's not exactly effective.

"Honestly, is it really that hilarious?...well, anyway, since North has to deal with Christmas, we could all go to London and try and help you see him again, Frost. Despite the chances being almost 0." Pitch suggest, his face practically screaming "it's a waste of time though." Well....chances are low Pitch is trying anything....if things go south there's Tooth, Sandy, and East, with me...

"Alright. But if you pull anything, remember you're the one at a disadvantage." I say, shoving Pitch alittle to make my point as I walk out of the workshop.

-Meanwhile, in Neverland-


"WHAT? ARE YOU SICK NOW TOO? How many times do I have to tell you to tell someone before leaving?! You always cause trouble when you go in the outerlands! Don't tell me you forgot what happened with the Darlings-" Felix goes on to shout even more, like he has been for who knows how long. Peter grumbles as he slouches on his bed.

"Felix...." Felix still continues to ramble.


"FELIX!" Peter shouts, catching his right hand's attention.

"I'm fine. Now why don't you go finish what you were doing? Y'know, before you chose to shout at me?"

"....I do that you're going to go do something stupid." Felix states, his expression certain as he crosses his arms.

"C'mon Felix, quit acting all stuck up and relax, this is Neverland, you act as though Pan has to sit there and listen to you, last I checked here, we don't have to do anything we don't want to. It's kinda the point of having no adults around?" Rufio says, throwing a fist full of pixie dust at Felix's face causing the other to fall into a coughing fit, fanning the dust away with his hand.

"So, what exactly did you find in the outerlands Chief?" Rufio, Pan's left hand man, ask, leaning against a desk Pan has in his room. Not that he uses it, it's just to make him seem like he knows what he's doing. He just passes time carving into it with his dagger.

"....Nothing exciting. Just bumped into an odd looking fairy." An really odd fairy.

"Really?..well than, I gathered all the lost boys up, we were going to hunt, you want to join?" Rufio ask, a challenging expression on his face as he pushes himself off the desk, grabbing onto a wooden support beam and leaning towards Peter. Peter jumps off the bed at that, grabbing his daggers.

"Well...why don't we make this into a game?" Peter suggest, raising a brow towards Rufio daring him to go through with his offer.

"Well....everything turns into a game when it involves you, Chief."

Who Are You?(Peter Pan x Jack Frost)Where stories live. Discover now