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No one's pov:

A week has passed and Reki's morning sickness became worse. We decided to tell our parents today and Miya and the others.

Langa pov:

We were ready to leave for my house when Reki ran to the bathroom. I swear this pregnancy was hurting my omega so bad, but I couldn't help it. The doctors said it's normal but he is suffering and I hate it. "Baby you feelin' alright? Here have a cup of water "
"Thank you. I am sorry I am being a burden like always..." "Reki my love you are perfect and I don't want you to change and this baby will not change you. You will be the same Reki that loves skateboarding." "But I still can't skate anymore..." "Reki we talked about this already. It's too dangerous " "Langa I know trust me but how can I help it I love S and all this shit that includes skateboarding " "After you give birth and we are all set, I promise you. You will feel exactly like before and skateboard whenever you want" "Alright..." "Anyways let's go mom is waiting for us"

-after they arrived at Langa's apartment-

Reki pov:

I felt like I was about to throw up again but don't worry Reki! Langa's mom is sweet unlike your father she will react just fine right? Langa squeezed my hand tight. He knew I was nervous. I love him.
"Hello! I am Langa's mom! Nice to meet you Reki! I heard a lot about you." "Hello miss Hasegawa! It's a pleasure meeting you. " "Please call me Nanako" "Ok Nanako" "Please come inside!".
We went inside the apartment. It was really nice here. Langa was still holding my hand. We sat on the couch. "So what did you two want to talk about? Langa I belive you told me this was important" "Yes mom, we wanted to talk to you about something that might shock you so prepare yourself" I looked at Langa. He was really tense so I got really nervous. "Mom. Reki is pregnant we are gonna have a baby" there was silence. " Oh honey... Reki are you ok how are you feeling" "Oh uhm I am pretty sick everyday but I manage " "Well Langa and Reki I am a little worried but I can see that you will be great parents and you love each other so you have my full support" "Really? Thank you so much mom" "Yes thank you for understanding miss Nanako" "Just Nanako, Reki." " Of course Nanako"

-after they left-

No one's pov:

"Well that went pretty well" Said the blue haired alpha. "Yea but next we have my house and I have a feeling it won't go well..." "Reki please calm down that bastard won't touch you nor our baby. I will make sure that he won't get away without a bleeding nose and some broken bones" "Okay...Thank you for being here with me" "Of course Reki you are the parent of my child and my lover. I will always love you" then they kissed on the lips.

-when they arrived at Reki's house

Langa pov:

Reki was really scared I could sense his pheromones from a mile away. I whispered in his ear "Try to calm down it will be alright I am here with you".
Reki entered the house and called for his mother. She was in the kitchen making some tea. "Oh hello Reki and Langa! Go to the living room I am making some tea for us and then we will discuss. Your father will arrive soon as well.

-time skip to when they all sat on the couch including Reki's father that wasn't to happy to be interrupted from work-

No one's pov:

"So what was that important that I had to cancel my meeting." "Father please calm down" said the red head omega. " We have to tell you something but you need to promise that you won't do anything bad ok?"
"Go on darling" said Reki's mom with a calm and warm expression. "So I...I am pregnant" "WHAT" "Darling please calm down you are scaring them" He didn't listen. He brutally pushed Reki's mom off the couch and aimed to punch Reki in the stomach but Langa stopped him and threw him on the ground punching him in the face. "What is the meaning of this you come in MY house and GET MY SON PREGNANT? REKI YOU ARE NOW DISOWNED GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK" . Reki started crying. "You can't do this I am your son..." "Baby come on leave them come with me you can stay with me." "Alright" They walked out and Reki hid his face in Langa's sweater crying harder. "Langa what are we gonna do we are just teenagers." "Reki my love we are gonna get trough this remember our mom supports us." "Yea I know I just...wanted this to turn out good" "Don't worry now please don't be stressed we still have our friends to tell and the stress isn't doing good for the baby" said Langa pressing his head on his omega's stomach with Reki stroking his hair.

-they left and went to S where they knew they would find everyone-

Langa pov:

Reki wanted to go skate but I wouldn't let him cause it's forbidden. He is a bit mad at me for it but he knows that it's important so he won't hurt the baby or himself. He loves his baby very much and I love him too. "So we wanted all of you here cause we have some news wich is why we didn't show up anymore at S and we won't till next year probably" "Come on slimes I am curios it's not like you Reki? When you get here you usually do a race with me or Langa so what's the matter??" "Come one boys" said Joe.
"Well we are expecting" Joe Cherry and Shadow's jaws dropped " What do you mean by that said Miya confused. "It means they are gonna have a baby you punk-" "WHAT" "When did this happen?" Cherry asked."At your party..." We said in embarrassment
Reki's face went red like his hair and mine too. "Oh my fucking god that were you two in my room fucking? I swear I heard so many moans that I didn't want to interrupt but YOU TWO???" "Wait. YOUR ROOM?!" I said more embarrassed. I felt like a volcano ready to explode and I think Reki was like that too. "So...What will you do" Shadow finally spoke. "Well we don't know...currently I was kicked out" My omega said " Oh my god I am so sorry...You know I have an extra apartment with two bedrooms that is empty. Maybe you two can stay there and the other bedroom can be turned in a nursery. " Cherry said. " We can't accept's too much" I said it was really to much "I insist. I can't let Reki live on the streets" "Are you sure?" "Yes"

-Cherry showed them the apartment and they told Langa's mom about everything that happened. She agreed that the two lovers should stay together since they were marked already and she also said that she can help them the first 4 months with money for food but after they will have to get a job so they can learn to live together as a family-

Author's note 📝: This is chapter 4 hope you like how it turned out! I am sorry I didn't post to soon. I was busy and my mom took my phone away for a day. Anyways I will try to post another chapter in a day or two. Byeee!!

Renga // mpreg // story // sk8 the infinity Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ