What an odd Fairy.

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Peter's POV:

Winter in the outerlands is weird. I think as I look around at my surroundings, snow falling as children run inside because of the late hour. Who needs to go home because of the time. Grown ups suck, and now even other kids suck!...no one's really lost anymore, and the ones who are, act like....grown adults. Always talking about school and rules and cellphones. What even is a cellphone?! Not just that, they all stay indoors and look at weird screens! Where's the adventure? The journey to take, the places to explore?! I lean back onto the tree as I dangle my legs on the branch. I look around again, trying to find something entertaining but I see nothing so I let out the loudest groan I can to vent my boredom. Felix is busy with the fairies and lost boys since he decided to renovate our base and help with winter. Hook thought it'd be a great idea to take a "break" and is now on the beach with his crew cooking meat. Felix said, "just leave them be, if we fought over something like this they'll have all the more reason to call us children." Who says that? Last time I checked I am a child!...wait...I jump up at that thought, my pride feeling slightly damaged. I jump from the tree branch and float around in the air, mindlessly wondering if I should go back to Neverland or continue to entertain myself here until I caught sight of some weird lightning near the water by the bridge. I fly over there and watch the source of the odd lightning from a bush. A boy in a blue hoodie and jeans is seen spinning around slowly as he freezes the water. I look closer to see snow white hair, he looks rather pale too. Kinda like Periwinkle. Peri.....wait he's a winter fairy! But...he's tall....an oversized winter fairy...his wings are gone too...I think? I fly out of the bush and float around him, copying his movements off the ground as I look at his back. No...unless they're under the hoodie? He stops moving all of a sudden causing me to move alittle more before stopping and moving back to behind him. I hover closer to him before I place my hands on his shoulderblades. The boy jumps, turning around like he just heard a canon go off. I give him a confused look, tilting my head to the side.

"What happened to your wings?" I ask, leaning towards him, my feet now on the ice. His expression changing from 'canon went off, who did it?' To 'where did my ice cream go? It was just here.'

"..What?" He says as I take a good look at his blue eyes. What odd eyes....wait....is that......oh! A snowflake, his eyes look like snowflakes I see the winter fairies make! Oh...he said something, right? What was it....? Eh, I should just ask him again....what was I asking? I move my gaze from his eyes to the side. Barefoot...big stick...something is missing....oh, he's a winter fairy without wings!

"Where'd your wings go? How are you supposed to fly?" I ask, my eyes meeting his. His expression shifting into one I cannot read.

"You...stared at me for a good 5 minutes just to ask that? What makes you think I have wings? I can fly without them. I don't think anyone has ever said that I had wings." Eh? What....

"Every winter fairy I've seen has had wings...though you are really big. Odd I haven't heard anything about a winter fairy of your size flying around...I surely would've seen you." Or I did....Felix says I forget things often, maybe I saw him and forgot?

"Big winter fairy? Now that's something I've never heard. I'm a Guardian, not a winter fairy, and my name is Jack Frost, can I hear your name?" What an odd fairy? He doesn't even know he's a fairy. Should I ask Tink to help him? I hate feeling like this....I never know what to do to help and he is so tall I feel like he is looking down on me. Should I leave-

"Helloooooo?" Jack waves his hand in my face as he leans against his stick.

"You are such an odd fairy..." The tall winter fairy bursted out laughing as he falls back onto the ice, looking up at me.

"Pff, okay, and you are such an odd kid. If I'm an odd winter fairy what are you?" I give him a weird look as I cross my arms.

"I'm Peter Pan, and I'm not an odd kid, I'm a lost boy!" I state proudly, before sitting down infront of him.

"Well Peter Pan, shouldn't you be home? It's late at night and I'm sure your parents are worried. Plus you should have a jacket on it's cold and you're dressed for summer." Parents....I don't have any. Who needs them! They try to give rules and take away your freedom. I frown at Jack's words.

"Who are you to tell me what to do fairy?!" I ask in annoyance.

"Well....I am a guardian, it's kinda apart of my job? At the very least wear a jacket."

"I'm not cold." I stand up and start walking away, the winter fairy bothering me. He acts like an adult. I frown at the thought.

"Wait! Peter!" The fairy flys over to me, stopping mid-air infront of me.

"I'll take you home, it's late." He says with a smile. White teeth...really white...makes me think of pearls the mermaids make clothes from.

"No need." I state, Jack freezing at my words. Again, he is such an odd fairy! I walk past him until I get back to the bush I was at before, I turn around to see him sitting in a thinking position. Truly odd. I start flying to Neverland, tired of walking. Felix is going to be mad...I didn't tell him I left.

Once I get to Neverland I start looking for Tink. I fly around, careful not to see Felix. I fly up to my room in a tall tree that cannot be reached unless you are flying or really good at throwing a hook to climb up the rope. I start walking around the room before going to the window. I climb through the window onto a really wide tree branch I knock on the wood beside a minature house. Tink opens the door, her sister beside her. I give a wave before sitting on the branch and looking up at Tink, she flies down onto my lifted knee and Peri does the same.

"Is there something you need Peter?" She asks tilting her head.

"I met a really odd winter fairy. He was realky big....taller than me! And he had no wings!" Tink looks to Peri with a weird look, her sister making the same face.

"Peter there are no winter fairies that tall, I would know, I am one." Peri says with a laugh and confused face.

"...he said he was a guardian and his name was Jack Frost. He even said I was the odd one!" I shout, trying to make my point.

"Jack....Frost? You met Jack Frost!?" Periwinkle flies up, an inch away from my face as she flails her arms around.


"He's not a winter fairy, but he's the guardian of winter, neither I or any other fairy got the chance to meet him but he is like a legend to all the winter fairies! Not only that but he is soooo cool!" I look to Tink, my head starting to hurt from Periwinkle talking nonsense.

"Jack Frost isn't a winter fairy, he's not a fairy at all. He is a guardian which is...kind of like a ruler over the safety of childrens beliefs....like how when someone believes they can fly and create things here in Neverland. If they didn't believe they can't fly or make anything. In the case of the outerlands if a child doesn't believe, Jack and the other Guardians would disappear." I get it....kinda?

Jack Frost is still odd. Should I go see him again?

Who Are You?(Peter Pan x Jack Frost)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora