< Atsumu's crazy plan >

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"Him? Playing Volleyball? Dream on

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"Him? Playing Volleyball? Dream on."


Everything was a mess

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Everything was a mess. This whole thing was just so messed up. But this is what Atsumu's good at. Getting into unnecessary trouble.

Atsumu: Now, dear Kenma. You know what to do.

Kenma: No I don't, now get lost.

Atsumu: Ouch! That was harsh. Don't be so mean to your fellow setter.

Kenma: I don't care.

Komori: Now, now. Everyone settle down and listen to what Atsumu want to say.

(Y/N): I can see that this is not going well. Considering that he had to drag Kenma in this.

(Y/N) look up to Kenma very much, you could say that she started handling the setter position when she saw Kenma play. And also since Sakusa was a spiker, she considered this as a win-win.

Kenma: I came here for food. Not work.

Atsumu: Don't say that Kenma. After this, I'll treat you to a fancy restaurant and you can play your games while I do all the ordering.

Suna: You might want to hold your conversation, Kiran is here.


Sakusa: That's your team system, not ours.

Atsumu: Hey ours ain't like that.

Kiran: Hey guys, what are you talking about.

Sakusa moved all the way to the corner of the room, leaving everyone's stares on him.

"He definitely did this on purpose." Everyone thought to themselves.

Atsumu swing his hand across Kiran's shoulders.

Atsumu: Hey there, Kiran. Good morning to you, I didn't know you're here so early.

Kiran: I'm the team's manager, of course I have to do some checking and arranging before practice.

Atsumu: Oh. Is that right...

//Book 2// Just her, no one else// Sakusa×Reader// Trouble is here!Where stories live. Discover now