new opportunity

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What you mean neil are you opposing me because of that girl

Aarohi ...arohi naam hai uska said neil making aarohi shocked

Neil arohi said in a low voice

Dont do it Aarohi said

Manish Goenka said aarohi what you meant by leaving you know na how much respected we are what would happen to our reputation said

Really bade papa said kairav you still care for your reputation

Did you ever thought about aarohi never all you cared is for your reputation but now its enough

My sister would do whatever she wants

Go aarohi  wherever you wanna go just leave this cage kairav said patting Aarohi shoulder

And mr abhimanyu birla you are no one to  fire me  iam resigning said aarohi

Turning back from the temple with ak

Ak sat on the driving seat whereas
Aarohi sat beside him

Beta sometime we should cry it help to feel light

No ak i will not i am not going to waste my tears for this family drama

Soon she reached her room she opened her laptop and wrote a resigning letter and send it to birla hospital

She checked her inbox and found a mail she opened it

Miss aarohi Goenka

We are the board members of  shri mata Vaishno naryana super speciality hospital
We are lucky to tell you that your job letter as a heart surgeon has been approved

Congratulations for that you can join on xxxxx
Address xxxxx
Please report on time

Aarohi from start  want to leave birla hospital so she wrote all lot of job letter and send it different hospital and here she got one

She came towards ak with the speed of flash and hugged him

After so many months ak has seen a smile on Aarohi face

Aarohi what happened
Ak i got new job finally i can leave this place said aarohi

Ak would you please book a ticket for me

Ok aarohi but for where ...

Jammu ak

What aarohi you know na how much unsafe is that place(a/n please hh ak  dont be  like that judgemental people who always think jammu is unsafe  that
we have terrorist attacks here every time)

Ak please don't be like manish Goenka

Aarohi but

Please she said
Ak agreed and book tickets for jammu

Aarohi in her room started packing her stuff she came down with her suitcase there she saw ak with pooja thali he did her aarti and hugged her

Soon she left with mixed emotions

Here it is sorry for delay
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Author krisha

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