The Art of Life

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Arrggghh these ragga muffins can't keep my name out of their mouth. Kmt. But anyways lovelies how are you and for those of you who had exams how did they go?
She was art. She was made to make you feel a type of way. She wasnt supposed to be pretty or perfect. She was sculpted by the artist to evoke feelings and she did. She was moody, sensitive and beautiful but what did you expect? She was fucking art.
Friday 3rd April 2015
Weeks and weeks had passed by. Jennifer was still mourning the loss of her baby but as the days had turned into weeks the anger she had inside was starting to boil and soon enough she would explode. She wanted to act on this anger but she couldn't, she had to wait. Her patience was wearing thin but she had to wait for her plan to work. But it was all coming together and she couldn't wait to strike hard, after all revenge is best served cold.
Asia sat on the cold concrete, the rough surface contrasting harshly with her smooth skin. Her whole body was screaming for her to leave, her skin throbbing furiously from the cuts on her hand when she had scraped her hand against the surface. But despite her better judgement and her body pleading for her to free herself from the pain, she still sat on the cold hard concrete. But in a weird way Asia wanted to feel the pain. In a weird twisted way she felt connected to him, like she had experienced every cut, bruise, punch, kick, scratch, stab....that he felt.

It was that time of the year again. The day in which every tear and hurt she had been suppressing came back out again. It was that specific day in which she told him everything, from what she wore that day to who she had caught feelings for, just funny moments and memories that he had missed, things he could never experienced again. Asia thought about him all the time, heck there was never a day that went by without her thinking about him, he had a special place in her heart. This day was the anniversary of the death of Simon Pete, her best friend she loved so dearly. Simon was her everything, he was literally her other half, the male carbon copy of her (okay a slight exaggeration but you get the gist). Simon was her world.

Simon had been with Asia every step of the way. He was born at midnight making him only a few hours younger than Asia but she was still a day older than him and she never let him forget that. He was the son to Asia's mother's best friend and because they were the same age, this immediately made them inseparable. They were joint at the hip, taking their first steps together to taking their first shots together. Asia loved him dearly. He was her everything. But he was snatched so brutally from her on April 3rd 2013 by his street affiliation. Till this day Asia doesn't know what Simon done to be taken from her but she knew he would never be forgotten. A vibrant spirit like his was never forgotten.
Keisha stroked his head as he lay on her chest. At 01:32 Jerome had called Keisha and immediately she went over expecting to receive her daily dose of vitamin D. However this was not the case as she came to see him in a state, half a bottle of Disarano discarded carelessly on the floor, the smell of weed dispersed across the whole room and a distraught Jerome curled up in a ball in the corner of his room, his red eyes depicting the epitome of sorrow.

Keisha immediately ran to him in her trench coat, careful not to trip in her red bottom stilletoes. She hugged him, not saying a word, just humming a familiar tune and cradling him, rocking him gently. Jerome hugged her tight, grateful for a girl like Keisha. She just got him. No words needed to be exchanged, she just understood him. He wasn't perfect nor was she but they had accepted each other despite their imperfections, which only made their bond stronger. He was happy she came, her warm touch and sweet scent comforting him and providing him with security, something he had not experienced in a while.

The two stayed in that position for an hour before Jerome broke the silence. "It's the two year anniversary of my late older brother."
Asia cried as she reminisced on the old times. "Simon I remember that time you had me come over to Shay's house to distract her mum." She said laughing at the old memory "I swear you had me act as a Jehovah's witness as you tried to sneak out the house. I swear I was so dead when she caught you trying to sneak out in your boxers."

Asia sighed "S-simon....I miss you so much..I-I wish you were here, we all do." She said thinking about his mum. His mother had moved back to Ghana with his younger brother after his death. His mother didn't want to lose another son to the streets.

Asia began to weep, her salty tears blinding her eyes as she stared at his grave "R-remember the pinky promise we made in Year said you would never leave me but you did...a month later."

She said as she wept harder, heavy rain crashing on her shoulders depicting the melancholy. She felt a warn hand on her back, rubbing it comfortingly.
Kwame walked out of the corner shop with his Cobra phonecard in his hand. He quickly scratched the back of the card and began to dial the number so he could speak to his godmother who had moved back to Ghana.

After a couple minutes he hung up the phone and continued on his journey to the florists, picking up white orchids on behalf of his godmother, white roses from his mother, red roses for his aunty and violets because like a moist youte violet was his friend's favourite colour.

He breathed deeply, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to do. He hadn't visited in two years but bunning weed and speaking to his godmother had convinced him to visit.

He immediately felt the melancholic atmosphere as he stepped into the cemetery. Breath Kwamz breath, you can do this. Kwame stood still as he tried to remember the location of each gravestone. His aunt and Simon's gravestones were pretty close to each other. He went to his aunt first, she was more like his big sister. She died way before her time at the tender age of 22. She was missed dearly and Kwame hadn't been the same when she died when he was 14 in year 9. 2012 was a tough year for his family. He gently placed the red and white roses next to her gravestone.

Life became tougher a year later in 2013 when his best friend, his brother passed away. Kwame made his way to the gravestone only to find a girl crying hysterically. Her back was turned from him so he couldn't see her face. He would have left and allowed her to have her time with Simon but it was getting dark and he knew if he left he wouldn't pluck the courage to return, plus he couldn't leave her in such a state. Kwame didn't know who she was but he rubbed her back comfortingly, reassuring her everything would be okay.

A group of boys sat in the dark room bunning weed and living it up, the music was pumping and bad bitches were stripping for them, who wouldn't love this vibe? But despite these guys living the roadman's fantasy one boy in particular was sat away from the racket, guilt eating away at him like a parasite ate on its host. It was the third and not a single day passed when he didn't regret setting his friend up. He was the key cause of the death, the reason many were crying. What he did was described as a honey trap murder. Although he wasn't the one who pulled the trigger he was still a murderer guilty of man slaughter.

Monday 6th April 2015

Asia had agreed to meet with Jennifer after school, after all she wanted to check on her and see how she was doing. Asia was still depressed but put her emotions aside because she knew that Jennifer would be in an even worse state. Jennifer was mourning the loss of her baby as well as it being the anniversary of Simon's death.

Although Asia and Simon shared a magical friendship, Simon and Jen shared a friendship that was special. It was evident to everyone that they had feelings for each other but their pride wouldn't allow either of them admit it. It was sad....because their pride had stopped them from sharing something beautiful. Asia knew Jennifer consistently beat herself up for not telling him but now it was too late. Simon was dead and all she had left was a cup full of regrets and bittersweet memories that would eventually fade away.

Asia pressed the bell waiting patiently for Mark to open the door. On her way there Asia had got a messaged from Jen which stated that she was on her way to by Chinese for them but she could wait with Mark. After a couple of moments the door swung open to reveal someone she didn't expect. Ethan.
Ethan had been stressed for the past couple of weeks and guilt was eating away like a parasite. No one had seen in on road in time and his attendance at Sixth form was a myth, in fact he was surprised he hadn't been kicked out.

But after weeks of wallowing in his regrets Ethan had decided it was time to man up and live his life, hoping his past would not catch up to him.
Soz if there is any mistakes.... I didn't read over it.

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