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the truth

"We can't stand for this much longer," Kion said firmly. "First The Bear and now Jasiri's clan? Kovu's up to something!"

"We already knew that, idiot," Vitani snapped, tense. Everyone was. The news of the murders had spread quickly. It was a clear message: be afraid, be ready.

What's more: summer was ending. The leaves were beginning to fall, the sun setting earlier than usual. Kovu had promised he'd have revenge by the end of summer.


Kion growled under his breath, glaring at Vitani. She was not helping the situation. He turned to look at his father, who seemed to have aged a year in the week since Kion and Rani discovered the hyenas. His eyes were tired, fur greying in worrisome amounts.

Simba sighed, rubbing his eyes. "The problem is, Son, that we don't know what he's planning. We just have to be ready."

"That won't be enough!" Kion pressed. "Dad, his lionesses took out the Guard without a problem. They murdered an entire hyena clan! Who's to say he isn't planning on—"

"Enough," Simba cut in firmly. He let out another sigh. "Please leave me to think this through."

Kion opened his mouth to reply but Vitani stomped on his paw, effectively shutting him up. She led the way out of the cavern into the morning sun and, although grudgingly, Kion followed.

As soon as they were out of earshot, Kion huffed. "I don't think he gets it!"

Vitani shook her head. "Kion, of anyone in this kingdom, I think Simba gets it most. He's just processing, that's all."

"That may be but—"

"But nothing, Kion," Vitani said. "Besides, Kovu isn't after him. He's after you."

"I know that—"

"Do you?"

"Stop cutting me off."

Vitani ignored that. "I don't think you get it, Kion. All of this —this planning and scheming and killing— is because of you!"

"Me? I barely know Kovu other than—"

"He thinks you killed Kiara."


Vitani sighed heavily. "That day that she died... we all watched from the cliffside. We all saw her slip."

"Yes," Kion said, frowning. "It's not like I threw her off! Why would I do that?!"

"Afterwards," Vitani continued without missing a beat, "Kovu, Nuka and I found Kiara's body downstream. She was still alive."

"You— you've never told me this."

Vitani looked down. "I didn't want you to know. She... she died in Kovu's arms. Kovu wasn't the same afterwards. It was like something inside had... shattered. He didn't sleep or eat or walk or anything for a whole week. I thought my brother was going to die. Then one day, he sat up and... walked out. Just like that. Except he was different. Angry. When I finally asked... he told me that he had watched you throw Kiara off the cliffside... and that he would kill you in return."

The world spun around Kion, leaving him behind.

"Kovu is angry and he is dangerous," Vitani continued, "but he's still my brother. I care about him, even if he's a little..."

"Crazy?" Kion supplied. Vitani nodded grudgingly. "How come he thinks I killed her? It was Zira who—"

"Grief does strange things, my son," another voice said. Vitani and Kion turned quickly, watching Nala come forward. She smiled sadly. "I have never told you this story before. Long ago, when your father and I were still young, my mother had another cub, my brother Mheetu."

Heavy is the Head [Kion] ✔️ Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum