"Be quiet the both of you are you guys hungry"

"Yes" they both the same time

August pov

"Hey you okay"

"Yea I feel better now that I have mommy miracle"

"What happen to your last mommy"

"She and the bad man hit me and mean to me"

"Come here lil man"

"I promise I'll never let anyone hurt you again "

"That what mommy miracle said"

"Well August said it to "

"Okay do you like mommy miracle"

"Yea I do"

"Do you love her"

"I can't answer that because I don't know the answer myself"
Anybody else would've said no but me I can't say that because I know I have love for her but I don't know if im in love with her

"When you get the answer will you tell me first"

"Yea I will what you know about this stuff "

"I just do can I tell you a secret"

"Yea what is it"

"Mommy has a big butt and boobs"

"I know"

He was about to say something until miracle came in
"Breakfast ready"

We just looked at each other and laughed

"What's funny"

"Nothing" we both said at the same time

We ate our food and got lil man dressed and hopped in my car and we went to the mall

4 hours later

"I'm so tired " miracle said

"Yea but we done little man you hungry"

"Yea I want McDonald's "
We put him in the car seat I bought for him
"Why do I need a car seat"

"Because your 31/2 years old"


"Get in the car lil man" he got in the car I shook my head lil man funny
I got in the drivers seat and started driving

"Thank you August "

"For what"

"For helping me with Chris I know your busy "

"Yeah I am but I do anything for you and lil man"

"Thank you"

"You welcome "

"So my concert is in a couple of days and I wanted to know if you coming "

"What about Chris "

"I'll have my mom watch him"

"August how does it look you showing up with a child telling her to babysit your mom can get to know you "

"Have you told her about me"

"Yea she wants to meet you"

"Stop lying"

"I'm not she can't wait to meet you"

"Now I'm nervous "

"Don't be alright "

"Okay August are we moving to fast "

"I'm just going with the flow "

"Are your fans going to like me"

"Probably not but if they really fucking with a nigga they'll get over it and accept you"

"Okay what should I wear"

"Something sexy and white I like you in white"

"Why "

"you just look so sexy you sexy in anything but in white you look better "

Miracle looked back at Chris and lil man was knocked out

"That boy love to sleep"

"Yea he does "

We stopped at McDonald's and got our food we drove to my house and put Chris in bed and walked downstairs and watched movies I wanted to fuck her so bad but lil man was sleeping and I don't know if he a light sleeper or not and the way miracle be screaming in not risking it
"Why you looking at me like that "

"Because I want to look at you"

"Ugh your so annoying but let's play a game "

"Okay what game "

"Truth or dare"

"No "

"Okay 20 questions "

"Nah we played that game already"


"I don't want to play that"

"Okay how about we gold fish "

"Okay go get the cards"

And that all we did laugh at each other and play cards and of course I cheated but I had fun after the game I just held miracle in my arms and looked at her she was so beautiful I'm falling for this girl hard and fast and I think it's to late to stop it

-miss August alsina
I their honeymoon stage is soon coming to an end

August alsina love storyWhere stories live. Discover now