The first day + the meeting

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My alarm goes off and I slowly wake up. I look at my phone and see that it is 07:56. We get up early because it will probably get busy when renting our gear and that we will have a nice slippery slope. Saar also wakes up and we quickly change clothes. Because then we can go get sandwiches in the village. I take a look around and everyone is asleep except Lizzy and Tobias, but they will have their turn the next day. Quickly tell them that we are getting sandwiches and then leave. It is about a 10 minute walk from our house. During our walk we talk about the holidays and about boys because we are both still single. Saar says who knows, you might meet a handsome boy here. Yes, you never know, but I think most people here are German. When we arrive we order some sandwiches. And we pay and we walk back. Sofie you are right because it was quite a large bakery but almost everyone there speaks German. Saar I think that's because we're in a small village and no one knows it 😂, yes and it's remote. Soon we arrive back at our house and when we enter everyone is sitting comfortably in their pajamas at a set table waiting for the sandwiches. When we have finished everything, we check how hot it gets and limit the day. It's going to be -1 and sunny so that's nice, I don't wear anything under my ski pants and I put on a sweater that's not too thick. When I'm wearing everything, Julia braids my hair because then it won't be in my face. And then I do it to her. When everyone is ready, we put on our shoes and drive to the rental. First a man measures our feet and then we have to try on one pair of shoes. But I would tell you the ski boots are clumsy and you don't get them on very easily, but I managed to do it in the end. When everyone has the right size, Julia and Levi walk to the snowboard department and we to the ski department. We give 1 ski boot and he adjusts the skis to the correct position and if I succeed I can go skiing jeeeeeeeeey. Everyone is ready and we walk with our ski boots on to the ski lift but because they are so sturdy it feels like you are walking on the moon but Levi and Julia don't mind because their other shoes have for their snowboards :) We walk to the booth where you can buy your ski passes when we have done that we walk to the tray lift when we get there we see that it is very busy. After waiting 15 minutes it's our turn but the container is too full that I don't fit in anymore :(( so I wait for the next container I put my skis in the lift and get in I'm in the lift with all German people who speak very bad English. But there is one guy that say nothing. I decide to have a chat with him. I find out that his name is lando norris somewhere that name sounds familiar but I can't remember where from.He tells me that he went here with his girlfriend. I asked him why "gone" he told me it went out during his vacation I feel very sorry for him because we are on vacation that week between Christmas and New Years. And now he has to celebrate New Year's Eve because his girlfriend has now gone home. We continue to talk about my work, but he has not said anything about his work. I'll leave it at that. When we arrive we get out and I say hello to him and wish him a lot of fun. When I have my skis I see all my friends and we discuss which slopes we will do first. After I think we have skied for 3 hours we go for lunch somewhere. We chat and I ordered sausage and chips and apple juice. I enjoy my food and in the meantime listen to the discussion my friends are having about whether it is chips or chips. Suddenly lando is standing next to me all wrapped up again, I'm scared to death. He asks for my number I say to him on 1 condition, if you come and sit with us for a while. He comes to sit with us for a while and he tells us that he does not want to be recognized and that is why he has wrapped himself up like this. He takes off his helmet and his balaclava, revealing his cute curls and his beautiful smile. He introduces himself to the rest. And we chat for a while. Suddenly Tobias says not an F1 driver with you? I see him nod. Ah ha now I know again told my brother about him because he is a f1 fan. He introduces himself to the rest. And we chat for a while. We take a picture with him and then he says do you want to send it to me ;) so I give him my phone number and then he walks away. Saar gives me a playful push and says so you quickly arranged that just a phone number of an f1 driver, we all laugh and then go to checkout and do a few more laps. It's very nice and cozy but I'm really up so I go back to the tray and go down with the girls with the tray and the boys go skiing down. We walk to our locker and put our skis and ski boots in it and when everyone has finished everything, we all go to the supermarket to buy dinner for the provisional 2 days. It is quite a large store and many things are much cheaper here than in the Netherlands. When we have everything we pay and we drive back to our house. Today Tobias and Lizzy are cooking and tomorrow saar and I will make wraps. saar and I chill on our bed for a while and then we set the table, we call everyone and then we all eat spaghetti together. During dinner we discuss our day and then we all watch a movie together, but first I take a nice bath to wash off all that dirty sweat when I'm in the bath Lando stays but walking through my head I get out of my lost my mind when I hear Tobias knocking on the door that the movie is about to start I quickly get out of the bath and dry off. Then put on my pajamas and sit on the couch when the movie is over I brush my teeth and go to sleep it was a nice but tiring day. I don't fall asleep until late even though I'm very tired I think that's because lando can't get out of my head. Sleep well

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