Siran: You really went all out...

Ao-ki: Haha Yeah... This is my first sleepover so I wanted to be prepared.

Trek: Well at least we won't run out of snacks for a while. Unless Riff doesn't control himself...

Erron: The others still aren't here?

Erron now realizes that they're the first ones back.

Ao-ki: Yeah but they'll be here soon let's just wait.














Finna: Whooo hooo! Yeah!

Finna's voice rang through the tower as her, Riff and Pyron fly in. After the lion lands the two riders jump off his back.

Finna: That was awesome! I have never gone that fast!

Riff: Told ya Pyron's faster than the speed of light!

The two Fire-ies also had on their pjs too, but no jackets since they were coming from the fire realm and it was especially hot at night this time of year.

Riff wore a red short sleeve shirt, and ankle length grey pants with flame designs on the base and he was wearing black fingerless gloves.

Finna had a similar outfit on. A red t-shirt, loose grey  high-cut sweatpants over black tights, and  identical gloves to her brother.

Ao-ki: Hey guys! What took you so long?

Riff: The Town hall meeting took longer than expected.

The young Queen sighed. There were noticeable bags under her eyes.

Finna: Yeah, some debate about the recent new treaties with the other realms.

Riff: I know I kept saying how cool it would be to be king, but honestly now I wouldn't want your job for anything in Gorm.

Finna: You know, if you become the captain of the royal guard you'll have similar conflicts you have to solve.

Riff: Who said it's a matter of if. When I become the captain of the royal guard I'll be there to help you and lead the royal guard.

Finna: He, thanks idiot.

Erron: Speaking of Royal, where is the Icy prince and Fylkir?

As the windie said that another flash entered the tower. A very tired looking Cryos lands with two bickering Icies on his back, his herald at the front and his cousin behind him. Ikor slid off his bear with a grumpy look on his face.

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