The Middle Earth Paradigm

Start from the beginning

"Probably, but in their own homes," Penny said.

"So, what time does the costume parade start?" Sheldon asked,

"The p-parade?" Penny asked.

"So the judges can give out the prizes for best costume. You know, most frightening, most authentic,most accurate visualization of a scientific principal," Sheldon straightened out his outfit.

"Oh, Sheldon, I'm sorry, but here aren't gonna be any parades or judges or prizes," Penny said,

Sheldon took a moment before turning back, "this party is going to suck,"

"No! Come on, it's going to be fun. And you all look great. I mean, look at you, Thor," Penny motioned towards Raj, "and-and, oh, Peter Pan. That's so cute,"

"Actually, he's Robin Hood," Leonard said.

"I'm Peter Pan," Howard grinned, "and I got a handful of pixie dust with your name on it," Howard lifts a fist and pretends to blow pixie dust out to Penny.

Penny grimaced, "no, you don't,"

"What's Sheldon supposed to be?" Rose asked.

"He's the Doppler Effect," Leonard said.

"It's the apparent change in the frequency of a wave caused by relative motions between the source of the wave and the observer," Sheldon said.

"I see it now. The Doppler Effect," Penny said.

"I have to shower," Rose ran to the bathroom and immediately started the shower so it could warm up. She heard Penny groan from the outside so she laughed and played music from her stereo that was hooked to her iPod.

Two hours later, the party had started and Rose was wearing her Raven costume that complimented her figure. She walked out and saw Cristina and John.

"Hey! When did you get here?" Rose smiled at her work friends.

"Not too long ago. Nice Raven costume," Cristina said.

"Ok. You're over there with your white coat like you're not a doctor already," Rose rolled her eyes, "at least John has an actual costume,"

"Yeah," John said, "Can you guess what I dressed as?"

"I see you dressed as Freddy Kreuger?" Rose guessed.

"Ding, ding, ding," John high-fived Rose.

A few moments later, Derek had walked through the door and connected eyes with Rose so he went over to her side and did the greeting with everybody. Rose had seen his costume. Slacks, white button shirt, sweater vest over, and a black robe with a red hood that had the Gryffindor symbol on it.

"You look really good in your Raven costume!" Derek exclaimed and twirled her around.

"Thank you," Rose smiled, "I see you, Harry Potter,"

"Yeah, I know you're reading Harry Potter so I wanted to wear something that you liked," Derek smiled.

"I see you're trying to use flattery to get me to accept your date offer," Rose chuckled, "we'll see how that goes, buddy,"

"We will," Derek stared at her with admiration in her eyes.

The party continued on as the coworkers were dancing and Cristina and Rose were jumping around and swaying their hips. Rose turned towards the door and saw Kurt so she rolled her eyes and continued on with having fun with her friends until she looked again and saw Kurt trying to intimidate Leonard so she walked over there.

"So you're calling me a puffed up animal?" Kurt glared at Leonard.

"Of course not. No, he's not," Penny nudged Kurt, "you're not, right, Leonard?"

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