The Big Bran Hypothesis

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 Rose was at work and had an eventful day as a multiple car crash had come in and everyone was all hands on deck. Her shift lead actually let her off early due to overflow of hands so she quickly packed up and left. However, when she got to her apartment, she saw Leonard and Sheldon inside with a cardboard box.

"Hey, guys. Thank you for bringing in the furniture and I'm sorry for the mess. Penny was the last to leave so this is the result," Rose apologized.

"It's alright. How was work? It was eventful, there was a multiple car crash incident that we had to do so that was fun. Other than that, they let me out early and now I am here," Rose smiled, "how was your day?"

"It was ok. Just hung around...and things," Leonard looked around awkwardly, "when is Penny gonna be home?"

Rose sighed at the question, "I don't know. I'll let her know you asked for her,"

At that moment, Penny had walked into the apartment so Rose quietly excused herself and went inside her room and neatly put away her dirty scrubs in the dirty hamper. She put on her pajamas and laid in her bed, turning on the tv in her room. Only a few minutes later, she had fallen asleep due to the event-filled day she had at work.

She woke up in the middle of the night and turned to her bedside alarm clock to see the angry red numbers. 2:30 am. Rose slowly got up from her bed and grabbed her replica energy dagger from Halo to see what the noise was about. Her steps were slow and calculated until she saw Leonard and Sheldon cleaning her apartment so she stood up straight and threw her hands out at the duo.

"Really?" Rose rubbed her eyes, "y'all couldn't do this until it was the day time?"

"This isn't what it looks like!" Leonard raised his arms, "Sheldon wanted to clean your guys' apartment,"

Rose shook her head, "whatever. Penny is going to freak the fuck out tomorrow," she turned and went back to go to sleep.

A few hours had passed with uninterrupted sleep for Rose when she woke up to Penny yelling some words and ending with sick, geeky bastards. Rose had chuckled before attempting to go back to sleep, but Penny barged into her room and sat on the bed only to start ranting about how weird it was for Leonard and Sheldon to clean their apartment overnight. Rose grew annoyed so she immediately sat up.

"Penny, Leonard has the biggest crush on you and Sheldon is Sheldon so I don't know what to say about him," Rose rubbed her face from sleep. She got up and went into the bathroom they shared as Penny started following her.

"No. Leonard does not have a crush on me. If anything, it's more for you than me," Penny said as she sat on the toilet as Rose went inside the shower.

"That is a lie and you know it," Rose laughed.

"Oh, whatever. Anyways, I am going to yell at them and then get ready for work so I will see you later?" Penny asked as she walked out.

"Yeah," Rose said as she was shaving her armpits.

When Rose was done with getting ready, she dressed in her Dickies slim fit pants, cropped tank top, white crew Nike socks, high top converse, and a black and white flannel. She went around her room as she put in her Statistical Methods textbook and notebook reserved for the class into her backpack. Once she gathered all the necessary stuff she needed, she did a once over of everything and nodded when she saw that she got everything. Stepping out into the hallway, she saw Leonard also leaving so when she locked the door, she turned and smiled at Leonard.

"Hey. Sorry about Penny this morning. I know you have a crush on her so I told her not to take it too hard so you could at least stand a little chance," Rose shrugged one shoulder.

"What?" Leonard looked confused, "I don't have a crush on her?"

"You do or you wouldn't sound so unsure," Rose giggled.

"No. I really don't," Leonard gave a nervous laugh, "it's somebody else I have in mind,"

"Oh! I get it. You're trying to get somebody jealous by trying to make it seem like you're interested in Penny," Rose winked at Leonard, "whoever says no to you is out of their mind, Leonard. Well I have to go since I have class today so I'll see you later?" Rose walked away as Leonard looked longingly after her.

"I have a crush on you," Leonard whispered as he turned around and saw his three friends behind him. Leonard jumped back and crossed him arms, "how long were you guys there?"

"Long enough to know that you're very smitten with Rose and not Penny," Sheldon said, "you really had us fooled right there,"

"Oh, shut up and go inside. I'll be back with food," Leonard pushed the three guys back before closing and locking the door.

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