Chapter 19 - Never Say Never

Start from the beginning

"Oh, sorry," I replied.

"No, no, it's okay. I'm glad she told you. She shouldn't have to deal with this alone, I guess."

"What are you thinking?" I asked her.

"I'm scared," she answered. "I want to do the right thing, and stand up for what I believe in, but also, I'm scared. Scared that I'll never get to play for them again. Scared that my career will be done."

"Yeah, I understand that."

"It's so hard."

"It is, but, if the federation doesn't respect you, or any of the other 14 players that do this, then that isn't a team worth playing for."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You, Leila, and all your teammates are worth more than that man. Remember that." She looked at me, with a soft grin. I could see her reach over for a hug, but all I could do was stand up.

"I've got to get ready," I said, trying to avoid any contact. "Talk to you later?" She nodded her head, and I went over to my locker, tying my shoes and counting my laces.

The line up went as follows: Ellie in goals, Esme, Steph, Alex and Demi in the back, me, Laia, and Laura in the midfield, with Chloe, Bunny and Lauren at the top. Hayley was on the bench, and so too was Mary, and Deyna. I wasn't convinced this would be our strongest line up, especially our defence. Steph, who had been injured basically all of last year, was starting in the back, and with a dynamic forward such as Rachel Daly on the opposing side, I was worried as to how that would turn out. Worried how Steph, who was only just back from injury, would play up against an in-form Rachel Daly.

And I was right to be worried.

Alisha Lehman scored first. Then Rachel Daly. We were down, 2-0. Before the half finished, Laura got one back, diminishing their lead.

In the second half, Hayley came on, and so too did Mary. I moved into the six, and it worked a lot better. We scored two more goals, and we ended up leading the game 3-2. But no sooner was it working well then it wasn't. Aston Villa scored again, to equalise, and Rachel Daly scored a brace, to put them into the lead. Through so much effort and hard work, we tried to equalise, but we couldn't. We couldn't get that fourth goal.

We lost the opener, 4-3.

We travelled back to Manchester in silence, not wanting to talk about the horror show that had been our opening match. I sat on my phone, texting Ona.

Eva: it was such a shit show.

Ona: you played well, from what I saw.

Eva: the defence just didn't work... it was so slow and ughhh

Ona: I understand that is frustrating. Did you move to 6?

Eva: yeah, but only in the second half.

Ona: did that work better?

Eva: yeah, but they still scored two goals...

Ona: they are going to be tough, i think. Villa are gonna be good

Eva: going to be? They already are good babe

Ona: haha but you know what I mean.

Eva: yeah... i'll see you when i get home <3

Ona: i'll be there

I smiled at my phone, and as I did, Laia came beside me.

"Ona?" she asked.

"Yeah," I laughed.

"You guys have been together for a while, haven't you?"

"Almost a year," I said, smiling.

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