Act One - Scene 7: Come to me, Eternally

Start from the beginning

"I find electrical current ticklish. It's the only thing that can't harm me."

"Intriguing..." Wednesday started from next to me. Fester just looked pleased.

"So you're the one Gomez won't shut up about."

I laugh. "He did say I made a good impression on him. Though I don't see how, I was half dead while meeting them."

"That's the best way to impress an Addams." Fester said, giving me a little insight of his family.

Wednesday decided to chime in with a question. "Why have you been stalking me?"

"I was in the neighborhood, felt a wave of nostalgia." He said with a shrug.

"I thought you didn't go to nevermore." Wednesday stated.

"I didn't." He looked to Wednesday, who was walking in the middle of us. "Your father got all the brains."

"But I used to drop in on him. Usually from the ceiling, with a dagger clutched between my teeth."

I watch Wednesday smile and then chuckle, "Of course."

Somehow, when he retold his stories of him and Gomez I felt like I was being told what brothers used to do to each other as kids. It sounded like regular sibling banter to me. Though I'm sure most people would think Fester was weird for half of what he said, not me. I guess hanging out with Wednesday makes you immune to weird kooky things like that.

"-murder, mayhem. What fun!"

I can't help but to smile as he continues to explain why he was there.

"I told him I had a job in boston so I'd come check up on you."

Wednesday was intrigued. "What kind of job?"

"The kind that means I'd need to lay low for a few days." Fester admitted.

"I think I know a place. My club mate is home with his moms' for a week," Wednesday explained and I knew where she was thinking.

When Eugene's bee keeping shed showed up, I smiled and walked ahead of them to walk by one of the hives. I reach a hand out and a few land on my wrist, I just giggle. They were all hibernating.

Wednesday allowed Fester to stay inside the Hummers club house until further notice. Giving him explicit instructions not to eat any of the bees, even having to tell him more than once like a mother would a child. It was interesting seeing how she interacted with him. Her emotions were all over her face and she even looked more alive than when she talks to her parents or anyone else for that matter. I don't take it to heart, because she's known Fester all her life. She trusts him more than anyone and that's saying something. If this is what she's like when you have her full trust, then I'll forever try to gain that. Even if it costs me my life.

Fester then asked us about the creature.

"We haven't been able to identify it." she said, handing him a drawing she still had from Xaviers.

"Ooooh. You're dealing with a Hyde here."

"Like Jekyll and Hyde?" I asked. Wednesday gave me one of her side looks as she took the paper back from Fester.


"Have you seen one before?" Wednesday asked.

Fester nodded his head then started to explain about his encounter with a Hyde. It was interesting but the longer he spoke of her, I could feel the irritation rise in Wednesday's body as the need to know more grew stronger as even further secrets reveal themselves.

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