Act One - Scene 2: Across the sea of time

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"Are you sure you're not going insane?"

I sigh and grip the arrow in my palm. I've been asked this all day long and it was seriously getting old. After Wednesday and I talked about what we saw happen to Rowan, she was called into Weems' office. I didn't think anything of it so I went about my day like normal. Or as normal as one could after what I had seen. Not even an hour in and there was a rumor going around that Wednesday was crazy.

Apparently Rowan wasn't dead. And when he walked by me to get to his room, I couldn't believe my eyes. What the fuck was going on? So of course I was in a daze for the rest of the morning until I got to the archery club. That's when I told Xavier and thus circles back to his question.

"I'm telling you Xavier, I know what we saw." My tone grew soft as I continue, "I can still remember his screams, and the-"

The sound of a throat being cleared made me snap my head around. Wednesday was there next to me, an unreadable look on her face. I hear Xavier scoff.

"You actually showed up."

She says nothing to him before turning her gaze onto me. "I need to talk to you."

"Um." I looked up to where Weems' office window was before turning back to Wednesday. "After you finish your club hunt. I don't want to draw attention to ourselves."

Wednesday kept her eyes on me for a long while, looking for something in my gaze but hopefully finding nothing. That's when Xavier piped up and started his captain speech to Wednesday; like he did all new recruits.

"Have you ever-"

I turned him out and took a step back to let Wednesday step up next to the hopeless boy. My thoughts going back to this morning when we met up to talk.


"Why should I trust you?"

I blinked rapidly at the sudden question from the girl, who just burst into my room like she owned the place. I scoff and lean away from my desk.

"Hello Wednesday! Yes you can come right on in, make yourself at home."

Wednesday had the audacity to look frazzled at my statement before quickly brushing it off to give me a cold stare.

"I didn't ask you to trust me. But considering what we both saw last night, I'd be right in saying that I'm the only person that will ever believe your claims about Rowan."

Wednesday looked a little stumped by this as she looked away and stared at a spot on the floor. Her arms crossed and another unreadable look appeared on her face. I sigh through my nose and get up from my desk to walk a little closer, only stopping just a few feet away to give her enough personal space.

"Listen, I shouldn't be getting involved with you."

"That's the smartest thing I've heard you say since meeting you." Wednesday quipped.

It was my turn to give her a glare before I rolled my eyes. "Well unfortunately for you, I'm gonna be sticking around. I don't understand what's going on but I promise you, I'll be an ally to you until it doesn't benefit you anymore."

Her gaze was quick to flick up and down my torso before meeting my eyes again. I felt something spark in the pit of my stomach at that look and felt my whole body blush. What in the hell was that look for?

"I'm not used to people engaging with me." She had confessed, keeping eye contact with me. "Most see me coming and cross the street."

"Normies just can't handle kooky people." I had said as a rebuttal to their shitty attitudes.

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