chapter 1

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I was in my room listening to mocking bird by Eminem through my headphones really loud I'm Lillie Beirsack yes like the Andy Beirsack he's my big brother I am 15 years old and I'm 4'0 I was wearing this today

I was in my room listening to mocking bird by Eminem through my headphones really loud I'm Lillie Beirsack yes like the Andy Beirsack he's my big brother I am 15 years old and I'm 4'0 I was wearing this today

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Because I was doing my SFX makeup I was sitting in front of my vanity finishing this makeup look

When I heard the doorbell so I walked downstairs my brother and his band mates were playing down stairs so I had to answer the door when I did I was met by someone I have never seen before he asked if I was Lillie and I said yes that's me so he th...

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When I heard the doorbell so I walked downstairs my brother and his band mates were playing down stairs so I had to answer the door when I did I was met by someone I have never seen before he asked if I was Lillie and I said yes that's me so he then asked if he could come inside then I had noticed that he had a couple people with him so I let them in of course I still had the makeup on so then I they sat on the couch and I sat away from them then the boy in the front introduced himself as Gavin Magnus and the others were his squad members and I nodded then they asked me if I wanted to be apart of their squad and I said sure and they told me that they are all 16 and I told them I'm 15 and then the music started again I got up and said sorry to them and I went downstairs and I told them to stop playing and Andy to come upstairs and talk to them and he sat down while I went to wash off the makeup and after I went downstairs and we talked some more and then they left and then the paparazzi camera's were going off again before they left they asked what that was about and I answered my brother and his band are famous and then they finally noticed him and then they left and I went back to my room just to listen to music and just dance then Andy called me down and we called for takeout and we finally picked Chinese we got everyone's orders and then after 20 - 30 minutes we had finally got the food ordered and I went to my room and ate then I told Andy I was going to sleep so then we said night and we all went to bed.

Time Skip---------to when she wakes up-----

I had woken up by someone calling me it was 11:00 pm and it was Gavin asking to come to his house so he could film a YouTube video so I said ok but give me a couple minutes cause I have to get all my makeup ready get dressed and get my brother to drive me and he said alright and he hung up then I got dressed into

And I got all my makeup in a duffle bag and then I woke Andy up asking if he could drive me and he said fine then he got dressed and Gavin texted me his address and we left --Time Skip--------------We had finally gotten there then I grabbed my bag...

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And I got all my makeup in a duffle bag and then I woke Andy up asking if he could drive me and he said fine then he got dressed and Gavin texted me his address and we left --Time Skip--------------
We had finally gotten there then I grabbed my bag and Andy told me to call him when I wanted to leave and I said k then he left and I walked to the door knocked on it then Gavin opened the door and let me in and told me I can set up my make up anywhere I told him that the place I set it up has to have a lot of light so he let me set up my stuff in his room then all the squad got there so now we are all in his room and then Gavin started filming by saying something then introducing everyone then he said we have a new squad member please welcome silly Lillie aka Lillie Beirsack we will be doing some challenges while she does her makeup then I grabbed all my things and then I started and then Gavin started a challenge which they had to go to the skatepark and they put a camera in Gavin's room to watch me do my makeup so when he edits it later he can make it look like different povs like one minute their skateboarding the next the audience sees me doing my makeup while they were gone I did have my makeup with taking a couple breaks then they came back like a hour after they left and they said I was doing really good and I said thank you then I was almost finished and then I was done with this makeup look

And I got all my makeup in a duffle bag and then I woke Andy up asking if he could drive me and he said fine then he got dressed and Gavin texted me his address and we left --Time Skip--------------We had finally gotten there then I grabbed my bag...

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(With blonde hair of course)
And then Gavin made me stand up so he can do a full shot and zoom in on the details then he got a really good idea which was that we go show his older brothers and I said ok so we went downstairs and we showed them and they said it was awesome so they Gavin just off the camera with his outro and then he said we all did amazing and we said thanks they all the squad left except for me because I have to wash my makeup off which was really sad but I did it then I called Andy but he wasn't answering so Gavin just drove me home and I said thank you and bye he said bye then I got inside and they were playing music so I told them I was home they said hi and I went up to my room and just hung out until Andy made pasta and we all ate then I said I was going to bed they all said night and I layed down and I was out.

(With blonde hair of course)And then Gavin made me stand up so he can do a full shot and zoom in on the details then he got a really good idea which was that we go show his older brothers and I said ok so we went downstairs and we showed them and ...

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(This is what Lillie looks like)
(And for those who don't know who Andy is)

(This is what Lillie looks like) (And for those who don't know who Andy is)

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(This is the Andy Beirsack)
(968 word's)

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