Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

“You be quiet, I just lost my son.”

“I had enough of the two of you,” Her father says sternly. “Now both of you go to each one corner of the cell and do not even look at each other.” He sighs as if he were handling children. “They been at all afternoon.”

Alice shrugs, “You cannot blame Travis.” She stopped there, but she really could not. Isabella never even liked Will as her guardian and disliked it when they were together. It was probably due to the fact that she never acted princess like when he was around. 

She looked at the cell next to them, and saw Keiran the Prime Minister. He was also chained to the wall. He had this look of anger as well, and if it were possible, he was scowling more then ever.

“What happened?” She asked her father.

Allegros frowned, “Your mother.” He sighs before he continues and speaks while looking at the floor. “After your mother was captured, Damos sent a message that he will release her if I came alone. I did not even think twice as I snuck out of camp before Dawn. When I came to his camp, I saw her in chains on a scaffold with a noose around her neck.” He looked away in pain. “He was waiting for me to come. It was a trap.”

Alice’s lips tremble and she shuts her eyes. He did not need to go on, she already knew what happened next. She clenches her fist. The nest time she gets close to Damos, she swore she was going to make him pay.

Allegros puts a hand on her shoulder, “I’m sorry I failed you all.”

“My sister?”

“She is safe, I did not want her help in this.” He shakes his head, “It was bad enough that I could not save you or your mother.”

Alice looks at his appearance again. “How long have you been in here?”

“About three days.”

Alice looks down, “We should have come, but Will did not want to.”

Allegros shakes his head, “He did want to come and help. He told me himself that he was going to take you Valianna then come and join the battle. I am just the one to stay where he was.” He looks at Alice’s face, “He did not tell you that did he?”

Of course not. Why would he want Alice to start a fight with her father when there was a war? Of course he would not tell her his plan because then she would argue it out her father. Will just took the blame for everything that her father said no to.

Alice shakes her head. As much as she was angry at Damos, she was just as upset with her father. “Why did you keep telling him to  not do anything?” She raised her voice. Surprising everyone and herself that she raised her voice to the king. “You also told him to not tell me that he loved me, and now I’m finding out you told him this too. Do you have any idea how many arguments we had because of an order you gave him.” Tears cam uncontrollably down her cheeks. “You have any idea how much we argued these last two months, and now he is dead and there is nothing I can do.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Is that all you can say?” Alice says crying in front of people she never thought she would. “Why did you tell him not to say anything to me? We could have been together longer if you had not interfered. Even the last conversation we had was an argument.”

Allegros holds her at arm’s length. “I had my reasons.”

“What were they because Will was a good person?”

“I was trying to protect you after Damos, and I did not think it was the right time for you to be courted. So I had him wait to see if he could wait for you. To see if it was mere infatuation or if he really did love you.”

Alice looks up at Travis to see if he approved of this, but he did not meet Alice’s gaze. She turns back to her father, “Well he loved me. As matter of fact he loved me so much he took four arrows for me.”

Her father flinched, “They shot him?”

“They were interrogating him for my location, but he did not give in so they would take out the arrows and then shoot him again. I healed him when I got there, but Damos stabbed him later on.”

Allegros looks like he wanted to puke. “If there was anything I could do, I would.” He looks at Alice, “He would have been good for you, but please do not be angry with me.” He puts a hand to his chest, “The last thing that I want is to spend my last hours with my daughter hating me.”

The memory of the announcement that Damos made about killing her father at sunset enters her mind. Alice’s glares turn into a frown. She did not want to spend his last hours being mad at him either. She lowers her head, “I am sorry for yelling at you.”

Allegros brushes her hair, “It is fine. If it makes you feel any better, your mother yelled at me when she found out.”

Alice could not help but give a sad grin, and then back into a frown when she speaks. “Damos says you have until sunset,” She wipes the remaining tears.

“That’s only less the two hours,” Travis says sadly.

Allegros bites his lip. He looks at Alice and then back up. “Everyone I just want to say I am very proud to have been your king.” He looks directly at Travis, “You all have shown me and taught me something throughout my reign, and for that I am ever grateful.”

At sunset Alice hears two guards coming. She feels her father’s arms wrap around her in an embrace. She hugs him back. “I am proud to have you and your sister as my daughters, and I know you’ll escape this.” He kisses her forehead, “I love you both.”

The guards come in front of the cell. One opens the door and the two come in. They peel Alice away from her father. One holds her back on the other side of the cell and the other unchains Allegros and cuffs his hands behind him. It was not till he stood up did Alice see his wings were torn off of him.

When the guard takes her father outside the cell she shouts, “Daddy!” When he turns, she says “I love you too.”

Allegros smiles sadly and lets the guards take him away.

“Long live the king,” Someone says in the cell next to her. “Long live the king,” He repeats. “Long live the king.”

Travis opens his mouth, “Long live the king.”  He repeats it and soon everyone in the dungeon is shouting and repeating it. “Long live the king.” When the door shuts indicating that he was no longer in the room, they shout even louder. “Long live the king.” They kept repeating for ten more minutes.

When it grew quiet, a squire who had a window in his cell spoke up. “They just took his body down.”

Alice cringes. She hugs her knees close to her and lays her head against her knees. Her chest felt so empty. As if someone took her heart and stomped on it and then punched her in the gut several times. And that someone was Damos. She lays on her side with her back facing everyone. She was in fetal position with her arms hugging herself. Alice closes her eyes and lets darkness overcome her.

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