Chapter One

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"This is so fun," Kristen cried out. Nodding my head in agreement, we continued watching the game that was going on. Six people on either side, hitting the ball over the net in hopes the other team fails to hit it back. Chuckling at some of the failed dives and both players on each team getting hit in the face with the ball, I watched intrigued as the players try to get the other player to drop the ball so they could score a point.

Hearing my belly grumbling, I held it as I remembered that I didn't eat any breakfast before coming here. It was a weekend and of course, I overslept and forgot that I had practically begged Kristen to come here with me today so we could swim and enjoy the sun. "Kristen, I am going to run to the shack. Do you want me to grab you something?"

My belly roared again and I pat it gently as I awaited her answer. Kristen and I have been studying from Thursday evening and have decided we needed to take a break­­––– Well I have decided as if it was up to Kristen, we would still be studying. We had an upcoming test on Monday and we were both getting frustrated. When we got there the beach was a bit crowded and we got fascinated by the volleyball game that was going on, so we decided to just sit on the sand and watch the game.

"Bring me back a hot dog," she spoke not breaking eye contact off the game. Walking off, I ventured off to the shack that was a few meters away. Ordering a hot dog, hamburger, and a bag of potato chips, I paid the server before loading up my hands with everything. Turning around, I hit something hard or should I say someone hard. You are really a Klutz, my subconscious mocked.

It was just my luck that I had to go and bumped into someone. The moment we collided, everything that I had in my hands fell right into the sand, but not before some got on my shirt. Looking down in disgust, the food was covered in sand except for the potato chips that laid perfectly in the sand with little or no dirt on the bag.

Looking up, I was about to chew the guy out but the words were caught in my throat. Swallowing hard, I allowed my eyes to roam over the fine specimen that was in front of me. His strong jawline complimented his high cheekbones and his blond hair even though short, still managed to fall in his face and highlight his green eyes. He had enough packs like the ones the beers carry and his skin was perfectly tan. Studying him, I saw that he was around the same age as I was. He was also a new face as I never saw him before. I wonder, did he just move to town?

"Are you okay?" His deep smooth voice questioned. Nodding my head, I tried to find my voice but I was mute. Bending over me, he took some of the sun from out of my eyes. Holding out his hand, I grabbed it and he pulled me up. His touch felt electric and a shiver ran up and down my spine. I could feel goosebumps covering my skin and my heart thumping a bit in my chest. Flashing me a smile, I couldn't help but melt at the sight of it.

"You should really look where you're going." His voice was teasing but his words cut me like a knife.

"What?" I snapped.

"If you looked where you were going, this would not have happened." He replied in a surprised tone. I could tell he was taken back by the way I snapped at him.

Scoffing at him, I spoke up. "Excuse me. You were the one who ran into me." Looking down at his feet, I saw that a ball was there. Looking into the direction where they were playing volleyball, I realized he was a substitute as the other guy that was there before was nowhere in sight. "So you are the one who ran into me as you were trying to catch that damn ball."

Narrowing his eyes at me, he retorted. "I don't care for your accusatory tone."

"I don't care what you want," I snapped once more. "You ran into me and I need you to admit it."

"And so what if I did?" Walking closer to me, I took a step back instinctively. "What are you going to do about it...?" He was fishing for my name and I was not going to give him the satisfaction of having it.

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