Part 13

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Music poured out of the house and flooded the neighborhood. People in all kinds of different costumes filled almost every space in and around the house. "We gotta find Robin," Kat said just before they stepped through the front door. No sooner did they set foot in the house, did heads start turning to look at them. Conversations stopped mid-sentence and topics switched to be about the newest arrivals. Were they together? What was Kat even wearing? What was she supposed to be? And why did she look so good? Some of the more popular girls rolled their eyes, the guys just stared wide-eyed.

Kat wandered around the first floor of the house trying to locate Robin or at least try to spot Steve's signature locks through the crowd. Finally they found them outside playing beer pong again. Robin noticed everyone else's stares being directed a certain way before she finally saw Kat. "Kat! Hey! You made it...with Eddie! Hi!" Robin greeted them when they arrived at the table.

"Hey! Sorry, took us a bit to find you. I love the Bowie costume," Kat gushed. Robin spun around, showing it off.

"Thanks! I love your... oh my god." She said when she fully took in Kat's costume.

"Is it too much? I feel like it's too much. I mean, I love this outfit, but I don't think there isn't a single person that hasn't stared at us."

"Are you crazy? They're staring because of how ho– how..." Robin started, her eyes growing wide as she looked over to Steve to save her.

"Because of how hot you are, Kat." Steve chimed in nonchalantly. Kat was standing close enough to Eddie that she felt him tense up at the compliment.

"Mission accomplished then." Kat said with a smirk. "Okay so can we jump in here or do we gotta wait til the next game?" She asked, nodding at the table.

"Perfect timing, just gotta reset," Steve said.

They played long enough for Kat to get a buzz from the beer she had, but was quickly growing bored due to the fact her and Eddie were winning. He was quiet for the most part, staying back just to observe. Steve calling Kat hot actually got on his nerves enough that he had to control himself from constantly giving him an attitude. Luckily, he played it off well, keeping up with the group's banter. It was more like a lingering feeling in the back of his mind.

"I'm gonna go get us some real drinks," Eddie said once the game was over.

"Okay, we'll be out here so you can find us." Kat said, smiling at him. He went into the house, disappearing into the sea of people that filled the large living room. As soon as he was inside, Kat turned to Robin. "Okay, I think you're right."


"About, you know..." Kat said as she nodded towards the house, referring to Eddie. She ended up recounting the events that happened in the car on the way to the party.

"Wow, it only took you a few days to catch up to the rest of the class!" Robin teased.

"Robin, what do I do?!" Kat said, clearly showing how flustered she was by the whole situation.

"What do you mean? You guys are perfect for each other. If he's being obvious enough that even you are catching on now..."

"No, but, I can't. This won't... We're friends. We need to stay friends." Robin just gave Kat a look. "It's true! It's better that way. Ugh! You know what, I'm not dealing with this tonight." She huffed as she grabbed a random solo cup filled with beer off the pong table and just downed it.

Robin raised her eyebrows at Kat. "Because that is definitely one way the truth won't come out," she mumbled.

"So, Kat, what are you supposed to be anyway?" Steve asked her.

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