Bittersweet Dreams

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(Disclaimer: I will be referring to the readers hands as paws, even though the reader is human. But in this timeline, humans haven't existed before you, so hands wouldn't have been a word. Instead being replaced by paws, wings, tails, or whatever mantis has.)


"Legend tells of two legendary warriors, whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend." A masculine voice began to speak, Then a more gentle and feminine sounding voice followed. "They traveled the land in search of worth foes."

A mysterious warrior, with his identity hidden beneath a flowing robe and wide-brimmed hat, treks with his staff across a bridge above a huge lake, while a shorter, and slimmer warrior who wore similar attire waltzed right behind him.

The two approached a large tavern towering in front of the,. A gang of bandits harassing the rabbit staff inside are then started when the bigger warrior enters the tavern abruptly, the shorter one following, and stare at them silently as they pass them and sit at a table.

As they ate, the gang surrounded the warriors, all scowling and radiating homicidal intentions. One of the members, most likely the boss, was the first to say anything to them, "I see you like to chew. Maybe you should chew ON MY FIST," he said, raising his tone at the end while slamming his fist on the table right in front of the warriors to get his point across.

The masculine voice spoke again, saying "The warriors said nothing, for their mouths were full." The bigger warrior held up his paw, and swallowed his food, "Then he swallowed, and he spoke." the male narrator finished. And just as said, the bigger warrior began to speak, "Enough talk," he began, looking to his companion, who was now standing up from her seat, "let's fight!" She finished.

And so the fight began, the bigger warrior suddenly burst out of his seat, sending the table flying into the bandits. The warriors delivered a series of punches and kicks, making every member of the gang go flying in various directions. The smaller warrior ignites a bright flame in the palms of both of her hands, burning each of her opponents with each punch, bending the fire to her will in a gracefully deadly manner.

"They were so deadly in fact, that their enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness!" The female narrator exclaimed, a cat bandit screaming in pain shortly after, "MY EYES!" He yelped, "THEIR TOO AWESOME!" A gator followed.

A love stuck and smitten bunny, while looking at the bigger warrior, spoke next. "And attractive!" She sighed, making the smaller warrior gag in disgust. Another bunny spoke up, "How can we repay you?" He asked, grateful for the help of the warriors, but the smaller warrior knelt down to his level, gently speaking to him. "There is no charge for awesomeness." She declared. "Or attractiveness!" The bigger warrior added, making his smaller companion give him the stink-eye in response.

But nevertheless, the two got back into the fight together as about one hundred assassins appear and surround them. The entire bar swells, packed to the rafters with ninjas, until the roof exploded with strong bursts of fire and bricks, and the warriors erupts into the sky. Like a tornado, the warriors took each others hands to twist at high speeds, kicking the bandits and ninjas away rapidly.

"It mattered not how many foes they faced, for none could match their potential!" The male narrator said. Two groups of thousands of foes leap at the warriors while in the air, but with a single flashy, and fiery, move, they were sent flying. The beaten assassins, bandits, and ninjas plummet into the lake like rain as the warriors trek back across the bridge. "Never before had a panda and a...whatever that one is...been so feared! Yet so loved." Said the female narrator, her tone deflating when she mention the species of the smaller warrior.

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