She regretted immediately knowing what she spoke, she gazed Siddharth, tears leaked his eyes hearing her,

" I never stopped you for anything, I'm sorry for lying,  sorry for being in COMA sleeping peacefully leaving the burden on you.. And I'm sorry for your daughter "Siddharth chuckled as tears leaked his eyes

Ahaan inhaled deeply not believing as Samaira's body fell on the ground with a thud,

"The Siddharth Nigam's daughter dead " He laughed evilly gazing Samaira's body lying lifeless

Siddharth breathed heavily terrified
Tears brimmed Avneet's eyes as she felt a piercing sharp pain in her shoulder, Siddharth gazed her as she had hugged him tight saving him,Her shoulder bleeding profusely as the bullet had pierced her skin, she gazed Siddharth teary eyed as she broke the hug , he gazed her blank, his mind badly messed up as he looked at her bleeding shoulder

"This decisions of yours costs your family! " Avneet shouted

"13 years ago.. This same decision of yours costed Amaira when you had Brayden bailed out ! " Avneet lashed, tears leaking out continuously

"I freaking lost my daughter because of you ! Do you want to give Samaira and Samar now to that killer ! " Avneet yelled

"Dad.. " She mumbled at last leaking innumerable tears out, Siddharth inhaled deeply closing his eyes hearing the word he always craved for, hearing the voice he craved for, he gulped sucking his lips not looking at Camera

Every single decision, every single moment flashed in front of him, was this ultimately the end or just a silence before a storm? His mind jumbled with the thoughts

Andrew inhaled gazing around the interogation cell he was kept locked in , his hands handcuffed, sighing he saw the door open as Ritwik entered in, his expression furious as he marched towards him banging the file furiously on the table, grabbing his jaw tightly he lashed,

"Why? " He gritted, Andrew smirked jerking his hand harshly twitching his neck,

"I need a cigarette " He ordered least interested making him more ragerage, his fist curled up ready to smash his face just when the door knocked open as a Assistant entered in gulping, his expression tense,

"What's it? " Ritwik asked perplexed sensing his expression

Andrew chuckled evilly resting himself on his chair back,

The Car door beeped open, Rain shattered wet drops down as Siddharth's gaze flustered towards the  hospital, inhaling sharply he gulped stepping out the Car, the rain drenching him wet,

"Sid " Avneet sighed finally catching him safe, hearing her Amaira's heart thumbed beating fast, she gulped shutting her eyes tightly as tears already cupped them, the love, the person she craved for, the bond which seemed sinked and broke, their minds messed up, Siddharth stood in front the Car gazing towards the doorway, his eyes searching for her, his heart craving to finally embrace her but the unknown fear still beckoning him,  the nervousness hovering his emotions, shakily gulping finally his eyes caught her who stood beside Avneet gazing him emotional, fisting his palms nervously he stepped towards the doorway, Avneet gulped gazing Amaira who's sight fixated on Siddharth, she feared the insecurities, was really her life mending or was this a fairytale with worse end, sighing she gazed Siddharth who stood in front of her at a distance arriving, his tears hid along the rain drops pattering,

"It's my dad ! This is the reality " Her thoughts crashed crumbling as she stepped walking towards him, her heart pounding hastily, his heart throbbing out with her each closer step,

Reaching closer she stood rooted not knowing how to react, tears leaking continuously as she gulped, shakily lifting his hand Siddharth inhaled shakily hesitatedly touching her soft cheek , his gaze flustered towards Avneet who nodded already emotional, she knew for Siddharth this was like a impossible dream coming true, for when everyone loosed their hope he kept searching for her fighting everything by himself without letting his family suffer, Amaira loosed herself sobbing miserably feeling his touch as she finally without wasting a moment tightly engulfed him in a hug she always craved for snuggling herself in his chest feeling his beats, that moment felt eternal to them, finally she was in his protective arms,

"Finally I have you! Finally! " His grip tightened around her as he gulped harshly controlling himself gazing Avneet who sucked her lips sobbing gazing him,

" Dad " Amaira sobbed more clutching his shirt tightly in her soft tiny palms,

Siddharth inhaled sharply kissing her forehead affectionately as tears of contentment leaked his orbs, he so craved to hear this word, he so craved to feel her touch, to have her in his arms, every day just deep inside his soul crushed in the guilt of being a pathetic person , a father who couldn't save his daughter, a father who couldn't be with their children when they needed them the most, a husband who was incapable to protect his family, to protect her but this one hug, her every insecurities, his each stab healed,

"Be what, I'm never ever gonna lose you! "His mind strengthened after finally having her, gulping controlling himself he chuckled caressing her cheek,

" Shh.. My Amu toh never cried.. No cryo cryo now.. I'm with you.. You're with us safe forever " Amaira smiled gulping on his affectionate tone, the fear he had touched her soul,

"Thanks for not giving up the hope on me dad " Amaira exhaled gazing him who chuckled hugging her softly,

"And thanks for being so strong baby, daddy's proud of you " He gulped emotionally caressing her back softly as they remained in each other's embrace for some seconds

"Mai toh reh hi gaya ! " Came  Avneet's extremely cute whine as she stood pouting beside them folding her arms

"Abhi bhi mumma, bilkul itusi bhi you haven't changed " Amaira giggled gazing her as Siddharth laughed

"Bilkul nhi.. 13 saal mai you became mature, Samaira , Samar became mature but we have 38 year old kid still " He sighed dramatically as Avneet punched his stomach annoyed

Laughing cutely Siddharth held her hand pulling her towards him making her slam on his chest as she joined their hug

Ritwik stood stupefied seeing the president himself standing in front of him, he gulped perplexed unknown gazing their director of Interpol standing beside him,

Chuckling their director sighed flustering his gaze towards Ritwik,

"We.. We need to bail Andrew out " He ordered monotonously making Ritwik gaze him astonished

"Wh.. What? Why? " He blurted furious

"Because he's my son " The president replied making his breath hitch, how was it possible? He was just a mere officer at Interpol, being president's son he didn't need to commit crimes, the case entangled more, he was a psychotic with a burden of atleast 30 murders, he was ruthless and more complicated was now that if he was bailed out, his next target was gonna Siddharth .


Finally updated  !!!

Sidmaira reunited 🥺♥✨

But, Andrew being president's son! Is Siddharth gonna lose against him?

How was the reunion do let me know!?

Next chappy 😗, twists ahead 😏

Targets ~
40+ votes and comments

All "Sweet danger of love" Next chapter is ready but the targets are not completed yet 🙃,
Guys please just cooperate, the response sinks our mood for continuing the story, I might discontinue my books if this targets aren't completed, please if you really love the story line and plot do comment up and just press that star button at bottom, doesn't take even seconds , please I hope you'll won't disappoint me ! !

Signing off ~


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