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So before starting the chapter, I got many comments about confusion between Ahaana and Amaira, so I'm explaining,

Ahaana is none other than Sidneet's daughter Amaira who was actually kidnapped by Rohan using Brayden for the plan, and Tanisha is married to Rohan, after engaging with him she comes to know about their relation...

Hope it's clear now 😅
And doubts you may ask..

And Ashley, Amaira and Ahaana they're one person only with three different names 🤧😂

Now.. Let's start ✨


"What plan? " Avneet asked

"After marrying Rohan I convinced him to keep Amaira with us as it was the only way to keep her safe off those brutal tortures at the mental asylum

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"After marrying Rohan I convinced him to keep Amaira with us as it was the only way to keep her safe off those brutal tortures at the mental asylum.. He didn't knew that I was the consulting psychiatrist of Amaira at the asylum.. So I used his trust to keep her safe.. " Tanisha replied

"Means.. " Avneet stuttered with hopeful eyes

"Amaira is with me.. " Tanisha answered rubbing Avneet's knuckles, she heaved a relief breath waving hand through her hairs

"Rohan doesn't know anything about any of this.. So after deciding to keep Amaira with us he ordered me to report in Asylum that she was missing as we needed to keep her and his identity safe and.. " Avneet interrupted

"That's when Siddharth identified her.. " Tanisha exhaled shakily nodding

"To be confirm I only convinced Siddharth for a DNA test.. " Tanisha replied

"And.. the report came positive.. " Avneet joined the dots

"He wanted to keep it hidden from you as .. " Tanisha gulped

"Be what.. She was again missing for him.. He didn't wanted you to suffer more hoping that one day you would find her.. " She replied, Avneet exhaled shakily controlling herself

"He was all alone.. " She croaked hiding her face in her palms guilt engulfing her.

"But why didn't you revealed everything to Siddharth then? " It stricked her

"Siddharth works under Rohan.. And.. My assistant knew about this too.. Rohan killed him and also kept Amaira locked.. " She replied helpless

"He isn't a human Avneet! "

"He's a psychopath monster... His Crimes are never caught because of his connections and lack of evidences.. " Tanisha sighed

"And.. My any step would just drag Amaira away from you both more.. " She added

"But.. How is it possible? I myself saw Amaira's dead body? " Avneet asked perplexed

"It wasn't Amaira.. Actually.. "

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