Chapter 1

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 I knew the story just as well as the next elf. That it has continued to be the same ever since. It intrigued me that it had been brought up now, during a mundane council meeting, but we would just be wasting time if I let him continue.

"Minister, get to the point. There are other much more important matters to get to, I can assure you," I interrupted.

The young minister looked up to me with great distaste, "Surely you've previewed the next matter at hand, Lady Sephia," he sneered.

"I have. However, we have not received Grandfather's discretion to continue to the next subject. Especially ones as important as what will be discussed next?"

He reddened and sternly deduced, "We all know what the jurisdiction on it will be. However, I feel like some of us might not be so convinced."

"Young minister, how many outside years have you served this court?"

"One hundred and twenty nine."

"Well, minister, where does that place you, in this meeting of fifty?" I asked. I know fair well that I am not the oldest in the clearing, but I have worked hard for my position. He was silent, "Where's your answer?"

He sat back down on his stool, "I apologize for my misconduct, High Guardian Sephia."

Down without too much a fight. Thankfully. You may think I wasted more time in putting him in his place, but I know well Minister Dranuok, and saved us three hours.

High Guardian Rhaphel turned to face Grandfather, "We are awaiting your verdict."

Grandfather's branches sagged, in boredom or exhaustion, I don't know. Finally, he spoke, "I think that opening a path for the humans to go through the forest would be a grand idea. We should start building trust with our neighbors, in hopes they take it as a sign of peace, and don't aggravate an assault," Grandfather looked directly at me, "Zoey, what do you have to say on the matter?"

"I agree, giving them a right of passage could open the doorways to possible trading," I said, "But we should be wary. I propose that we post archers in trees along the path just as a precaution."

A counciler of lower standing spoke in agreement, "I also support the idea of a well guarded path. Tensions are still high, and the humans fear us as much as we resent them."

"Are there any arguments?" Grandfather questioned, scanning the room. Minister Dranuak raised his hand to oppose, but he was overlooked. A fellow High Guardian, Tavmyndi, stood. Grandfather allowed him to state his argument.

"How do we know this isn't a trap? That the humans are trying to take advantage of us? Have we spoken to them, face to face?" He concluded.

I was the one to respond, "They are too afraid to even sit at our borders. Unless we were to order a summons, they wouldn't approach us to speak in person."

Tavmyndi smirked, "Are you volunteering, Lady Sephia?"

"If Grandfather so agrees to a meeting, then I would be glad to represent. What about you? To even bring up this argument, are you not also volunteering? Or are you too afraid to speak to the man beasts yourself?"

"If I were asked I would not protest, but I wouldn't put my hide out there to meet with the scornful monsters of my own volition."

Grandfather seemed mighty intrigued by our debate, or so I was to assume since he hadn't silenced us. Or he was too deep in thought.

"Do any of you," Tavmyndi gestured to the other three High Guardians, "volunteer to meet with the man beasts to discuss peace?'

Rhaphel stood from his seat and made his way to the debating circle, and High Guardians Orivyre and Shavaris followed.

    "I would happily accompany Lady Sephia to speak with human kind in terms of peace," Rhaphel claimed, his ever warm smile lighting his face.

    Shavaris nodded, "I would love to stand at High Guardian Zoey's side in negotiations of any sort."

    I already knew that Orivyre would side with Tavmyndi whether she agreed or not, but I listened to her anyway, "As much as I would love for a peace to come between us and the human kind, I have to agree with Lord Larenhfar. We should go about this more warily."

    Grandfather finally had something to say, "I'll send word that we would like to confer this in person, preferably with a representative from each stronghold. While we wait for the response, continue about your daily doings. Highest council, if you would please stay back, everyone else is dismissed."

    After everyone but us five had left the clearing and into the treetops, Grandfather had his final words with us.

    "Zoey is an obvious choice for the meeting, since she is over our own trading orders. It would be lovely if someone opposed to the idea would go with her, but since the two only hold little political order and more military order, I'm afraid the humans might get the wrong message. Rhaphel will accompany her, as presiding magistrate, and Tavmyndi will tag along, but only in disguise as a guard. Do we have an agreement?"

    Almost in unison we agreed, "Yes, Grandfather," and he led us through a guidance prayer to our matron, Gaia of Life, before he dismissed us.

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