CHAPTER 1-My entry in Florida

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Here I am in the grocery shop to buy vegetables as we're out on vegetables. *ring ring* Who's calling me *in call*" Hello"
"Hi , how are you""I'm fine ,what abou

t you""  Fine, just came home from a meeting , by the way when are you coming to Florida"
I don't know ,maybe after a week"
"Ugh, fine ,miss you" "same to you"
As I said that I was heading to my house to pack my stuff because I was off to Florida tonight. He is Sam. He works as a spy in some agency and he has shifted to Florida for his work with his Co-worker Sally. He wasn't really contacting with me for a few days but today he did. Maybe he is planning a surprise for me.
9:50 pm :-
I left for the airport. "13 missed calls ,13 missed calls but he didn't pick up one , maybe he is just busy"  I'm in the flight right now ,calling him but no response . What has gotten into him.
I slept while waiting for his calls. When I woke up it was already time for Florida.*Plane lands*
As I headed outside the airport I saw Sally his co-worker running away while calling someone. Nancy's vacance ,Street lane no.9
Apartment number 26.
I headed towards his apartment while reading his address .
*Door bell rings*
"Who's there", I kept quiet."Hello""Maybe, it's her"" Oh no--------"After that it was complete silence until He opened the door."SURPRISE,Or maybe not" "Babe, what are you doing here""Just wanted to give you a surprise""Woah I'm so happy you came,come in""Aww thanks" He was a bit suspicious but anyways it fine either way. *Phone rings*Who's calling me. "Who is it Sam.*in call*"Hello, uhh yea it's Sam,oh yeah well today,oh okay me and Sally will come""What happened Babe""Oh nothing I and Sally have to go for a mission, we will be back by tonight""Oh okay, love yah:]"
"Same" And he went off with Sally. I hate Sally, she's just tryna come in between our relationship. I went to Sam's room -I mean our room and slept there."Hello,What. SEND ME THEIR ADDRESS NOW." I saw the address and went to that house,and it was written Sally Myers.I barged into the house and heard some weird noises.I peeked inside the room, and I saw Sam and Sally together hovering...................

                             (To be continued......)

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