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Sam pov:
I left the spy agency long after Our break up
But it still seems like it was more than half my fault but anyways I'll try my best to get what I won

Joy pov:
My head was hurting so bad. Probably because of the things happening right now my tiredness due to the concert , my convo with Sam.
Soon we reached our house and by 'we' I mean to say me and Layla. She's my personal assistant so she lives with me. She's more like a sister to me.
I went to my room searching for the headache pill because this headache was driving me crazy. Thanks to dear lord Layla found me and gave me the medication. I ate it and..........."yucks" I said as the pills made me puke I mean almost. Layla laughed like a donkey having asthma but yeah. " Looks like you'll have a hard time now" Layla said in a hooting way.
Well I was relieved from the headache but still couldn't take Sam's words off my mind.
Anyway I can't believe a cheater can I. And thinking about Sam made me sleep as I was overthinking too much.

I woke up to see Layla panicking and calling someone. I immediately stood up and calmed her down still trying to gain consciousness. "What happened Layla. Why are you so worried?" I asked in a sleepy tone. "Oh it's nothing just fixing your appointments. Like you're ex-boyfriend Sam is constantly asking me to fix a date where you will meet him and listen to him. I am trying to cut him off but till then you're gonna have to ignore him"
"Don't cut him off" I said willingly because I wanted an explanation "and fix a date ok Layla. Don't panic. I'll cut off on my vocal practice today"
8:35 a.m-
I was getting ready to meet Sam. And when I saw the watch my heart was ready to come out because.................... I was late.
I hurried and wore my heels

I hurried and wore my heels

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*this is what I wore*

*and my heels*I reached the Cafe where I would meet Sam

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*and my heels*
I reached the Cafe where I would meet Sam.
And waited for him.
"Late, as always" I said . Suddenly a figure carrying a bouquet came and I shouted
"Who's that, OMG!!!!!"I shouted and just then realized that we were in public
"Woah chill it's me, sam" "Sam you, omg you scared the hell out of me"
I was ashamed but yeah I really wanted to hear him out so I started the conversation.
"So aren't you going to speak something"
"Yeah so I know that you're not willing to talk-" " I am willing to hear you out so speak up" " ok so Firstly I didn't cheat on you it was Sally I swear. It's true that we had to go for a mission but sly told me that she will drive but she wasn't taking us to our base instead she took us to her house . Then she seduced me and hovered over me and then you entered" I was amazed to hear Sam. I had always thought Sam cheated but in this convo I was literally feeling so bad because Sam's words were true and I knew he wasn't lying and besides his words made sense . A lot of sense." I pushed Sally away and caught you just in time but you got onto an accident..... and then the worst happened. We broke up." Sam suddenly stopped and I saw tears forming in his eyes. It was all too much . I was getting flashbacks of what we had and what happened. I tried running away but then I saw a coming charging towards me and then it was black

Hey guys this part was a bit long but I hope you are liking this story. Please support me

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 04, 2023 ⏰

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