{Chapter 1}

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"Ugh.. Where the hell are we...?" Nami said as she slowly got up while rubbing her head.

"Nami-san are you okay!?" Sanji said as he immediately ran to Nami.

"Ahh! Are we dead!?" Usopp exclaimed as he immediately got up.

"shut up!" Zoro said annoyingly as he got up from the floor.

"is anyone hurt?" Chopper said worriedly.

"dont worry Chopper! Were feeling SUPERR fine!" Franky replied as he did his famous pose.

"are you okay Chopper?" Robin said as she checked Chopper if there was any bumps or bruises.

"im fine Robin" Chopper replied and smiled at her which made Robin sigh in relief.

"looks like im dead.. but im already dead! Yohohoho!" Brook said laughing at his own joke.

While the other crew were talking Zoro looked around the big room and was shocked to see marines and especially the strong ones.

"oi! There's marines everywhere!" Zoro shouted at the crew.

"EHHH!?" Ussop, Nami, and Chopper panicked while the others were ready to fight.

"pirates! Attack!" screamed a marine as soon as they saw the strawhats they immediately ran to them to attack.

But before the marines and the pirates could attack they were suddenly chained which made them weak even the non-devil fruit users.

"whats this!? Prism stone!?" exclaimed Sengoku.

"i dont think this is prism stone... Even the non-devil fruit users are getting weak.. Even me.." Garp said weakly as he is not used to this feeling.

"what the hell is this...!" Zoro exclaimed weakly as his hands were now chained.

But before they could talk more all of the marines and the strawhats got teleported to different couches.

The strawhats were sharing a big soft and comfy couch while the marines sat on uncomfortable couches except for Sengoku, Garp, fujitora, and Coby (since i love these four).

"if you dont fight then ill take those chains off"
A voice came out of the stage in front of them.

The person reavealed itself as he walked onto the stage.

He had black hair and was wearing a white fox mask with gold which covered his face and wore white fancy clothes that also had gold in it.

"who are you!?.." Zoro shouted at the guy in the stage.

"i am the god of time.." the person replied.

"THE GOD OF TIME!?" All of them shouted except for Zoro and Robin but they were also shocked too.

"what does the god of time want with us?" Robin asked.

"my friend told me to bring you all here because she wanted to do something.." he replied.

"please excuse me, I'll have to go, she's gonna be here in any seconds now." the person bowed then went at the back of the stage.

"that.. Was weird.." Usopp said.

A girl with purple hair suddenly popped out of nowhere in the stage and greeted them.

"Hi my name's Minz! And Im the god of joy! Im so glad your all here!.... Hold on.. I think i forgot someone!" the girl said as she started to close her eyes then whitebeard, Ace, Shanks, the revolutionary and the warlords got teleported in the room which shocked everyone.

"WHY IS WHITEBEARD STILL ALIVE!?" The Marines shouted while some were scared that the strongest man was still alive.

"WAIT WHAT IM ALIVE!?" Ace exclaimed.

"GURARARARA!" WhiteBeard laughed.

Minz teleported Whitebeard, Ace, and his other crew to a big and comfy couch near the strawhats. While She purposely made Ace and Sabo sit at the same couch. (no ship doe)

"lets see... Warlords.. The supernovas.. whitebeard pirates.. Red hair pirates.. marines.. Pirates.. The Revolutionary..... Ah! And lastly Gol D. Roger and reyleigh! Seems like everyone's here!" the masked person clapped her hands in excitement.

"alright lets start-" Minz said but got cut off by Robin.

"what are we suppose to do here?" Robin asked.

"ah i forgot to tell you! Im sorry... You all will be reacting to Luffy! And more!" Minz replied.

"why does the god of joy know my Captain?" Zoro asked.

"well every god adores him and so do i! Thats why i decided to bring you all here and react to him!" Minz beamed.

"a god adoring a criminal!?" the marines were shocked when they heard what Minz said.

"and if you keep quiet and listen to me i might take the chains off your hands!" Minz said.

The people listened and kept quiet since they didn't like the feeling of being weak.

"Alright lets start!"

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