"Why don't we talk in the library?"

Damian knew his fate had been sealed. There was no running from it, he gave in to his defeat and silently walked toward the library with dignity. The two walked briskly to the double doors of the library to find Jason lounging on the couch with a red cover, reading a book. 

The second eldest boy looked up from his book with a raised brow. "Did the demon get kicked out already? And I thought you'd last long shrimp."

Damian reached for his sword hidden in his waistband but was promptly stopped by Bruce with a complacent smile. "Jaylad now is not the time."

"When is it ever," the oldest said as he rolled his eyes. "Find somewhere else to talk, I'm comfortable."

Damian took that chance to cut in and address his father. "How about we not talk, father, if you wish to know how my day went I will happily inform you that it went well. I hadn't threatened the teachers with bodily harm and had been cordial to the students the entire time."

Jason snickered behind his book. "Wow, I guess the kid can play nice for once." Jason joked with a snort, flipping a page in his book. 

Damian was so close to throwing a knife at the man if he didn't shut up soon. The teen took a deep breath to calm his agitation and spoke. "I am tired and wish to sleep, I have homework to do and wish to not dally on it." 

Bruce nodded understandingly, which surprised Damian exponentially. He had expected a lecture about... wait what was he getting lectured on exactly? 

Outside of the incident in the dorm, there was nothing for the instructors to report to his father.

And that Aunt Harriet lady had no idea who he was... so how would she be able to report him? 

Unless that girl told but she wouldn't have done that after everything they've been through already.

He had informed Pennyworth of the trouble he got in with a teacher, but the old man must have seen through his lie once he saw the girl. 

Is this what the conversation was about? The girl. 

Damian began to panic, he wasn't ready to reveal her just yet! The whole plan would go up in flames if that were the case.

Or did they already see through his plan and were reprimanding him for it? Damian was about to defend himself but was cut off by a low chuckle. 

Bruce looked at his youngest son, peculiarly. "I just wanted to know how your first day went, I was half expecting a phone call during work but was happily surprised to get none."

Damian blinked, then sniffed. "You have such little faith in my father."

"No, I was just worried you'd have a hard time adjusting." Bruce patted Damian's shoulder with a soft smile. "I'm proud to see you trying Damian and I'm glad to hear you're doing well on your first day."

"Of course, I had promised to attempt." Damian's heart rate had decreased some, thankfully he wasn't in any actual trouble.

But the notion that he could be was ludicrous and yet he found himself fearful of being thought. 

Just when he thought this day couldn't get any more stressful. 

Bruce nodded approvingly. "I hope tomorrow will be the same, I was supposed to meet your teachers this weekend for a parent and teacher meeting." 

"Why?" Damian asked. "That sounds like an utter waste of time."

Plus he didn't want his father near the campus where he could possibly get word of his affairs with the girl.

The Ultimate Game Planजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें