the awakening of James

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I lay him in a pile of hay for days his limp body lay there no moving other then shallow breathes and a weak heart beat. I fret with worry about the change not "going well". I replay myself destroying Anne, it still does not feel good even for an evil being such as myself to betray anyone in that fashion.

i started getting very upset at the idea the two poeple i love undead or alive where possibly not going to be next to me tomorrow. then he starts to stir I realize I can no longer hear his breath or heart beat. I run to his side. James my love how do you feel? he looks at me with new eyes not the sparkling passion filled eyes I'm used to. "my throat the pain in my throat. what did you do? " I couldn't show him my guilty eyes. "Anne, my mate" if I could have cried he wouldn't have understood the blubbering fool before him, I choke, take a deep unnecessary breath and continued " she spotted you on the trail so very far from your home and pub, I could smell you I could sence her. so I saved you for myself". he could see the hurt in my face "so she left you because of me? " you could hear the saddness in his voice. I knew I had to tell truth.

"in our world, the world of soulless vampires living with fragile mortals, we are only supposed to turn poeple in severe undead or dead instances, in which morally the way to do it. and for a unlife mate to stay with you to hunt and love, forever, unless your looking to die you don't ever change anyone without your mates okay. but no matter the years of time, passion, commitment. I never felt the way for her is I did for you. I turned you and then she attacked me. so I did what I had to.." looking away. "sweet Elizabeth.. your pain I may not feel but I shall protect you from it forever or as long as you shall have me..." he gently kissed my cheek. I smile sweetly and whisper "lets go find you someone to eat you'll feel better."

Running thru the fields with James made me feel better for awhile. It didn't take long for him to find a drunkard, stumbling his way home. James struck, the drunk man never saw it coming. James grabbed him from behind, stunk his sharp teeth into his neck draining him lifeless within a minute. Throwing his corpse into the bushes, effortlessly knowing very few would miss him. We continued forward he first meal excited me yet made me very hungry. It felt like we had run till dawn, when we ran into our next man, I took him. James watched from a far, I walked in using my womanly charms, as soon as I have him hooked. I go in for the kill. He is dead but not drained, James finishes him. Apperently, my style of feeding was a sort of turn on. For what seemed like four moons before this session of passion conculded.

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I want to know I'm a real author thou rough draft this is. ty LaylaBug

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2013 ⏰

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