daily drama

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days blurred together by hunting farmers in fields of corn or wheat. you would think a beautiful woman walking up to them working in the feild suducing them then quickly killing then leaving the body for there families to find they would take caution amung these farmers. but no they are thinking some animal attacked whatever man I fed on that day. I only killed men the ones with dark souls. regardless, no matter how many days of hunting and how many nights of passion with the lovely Anne I always think back to my nights with James his fragile nature combined with sence of passion, I must find a way to keep him safe, I'm afraid Anne will follow me one of these nights. Anne would interfer with the idea of turning him for sure, so now I had the added pleasure of hiding it from her. in daylight I enjoy nothing more the the feel of the wind in my hair letting myself run away from the demon I am feel free for a moment till I smell a human then instincts kick in. how do I know that smell, could it be?

I run towards the mountain rd ahead of me a few miles took seconds. it is James, I can sence Anne to this his her meal I am interuping. questions begin "running through my mind, why is he here so far from his village and why do I feel the need to save his human life from my immortal mate? will Anne attack me for this? will she think its a game? its too late I can't allow him to be hurt.

I rush in grab James, his sparkling eyes where black scared of me no passion or love just fear his warm trembling body fainted in my arms and I was forced to do the unthinkable as I heard Anne lunge toward my back, I for the first Time cringed trying not to kill him as my teeth sunk into his soft palpitating neck.

I drop him and turn to destroy Anne my faithful lover, my beautiful mate. years spent with her alone and I make this kind of a choice, in my world to make a new mate without the other one being destroyed is unheard of and I know Anne will not take this indiscretion lightly. I don't wish to hurt her but the danmage is she will not stop till we both are dead or she is. Anne's normal playful demeanor is gone she is cross hunched down her eyes a piercing green, dress ripping out tge sides as her musscles stretch out fully. why would you how could you after all this time she manged to hiss out before she lunged forward, and the real battle began, I trained her so I was my biggest weakness. it went by in a blur of biting slashing slamming and dust. my pain was real as i destroyed anne but I had detached her limps and my James was now safe. I now in tattered clothes covered in dirt picked up my new mate unconscious still from my venom bringing him. to the place we shall now call our new home an abandoned barn far from his old village. I hope he makes it or this venture was in complete vein.

vampire in loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें