chapter twelve

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Grace nodded, walking further into the house. "Can I get either of you gentlemen anything? Coffee, tea, whiskey?"

"No, thank you, ma'am," Daniel replied politely while Jack said nothing. "Um, I'm sure as you must know, your brother did not appear at Capitol Hill yesterday for his hearing."

"And you want to know if I've seen him or if I've been in contact with him," Grace finished with a nod and looked at the two men. "Gentlemen, my brother is a secretive man when he wants to be. Especially regarding his business."

"And we know you're telling the truth, how?" Jack asked and the brunette tilted her head at the man. "We know you were with him in Europe following your father's death. And the two of you worked closely during the war."

Grace nodded. "And?"

"Miss Stark, this is a matter of national security," Jack said, becoming increasingly annoyed with the inventor. "If his weapons fall into the wrong hands, our enemies' hands, they—"

"I'm well aware this a matter of national security, Agent Thompson," Grace interrupted, standing up from her chair. "You wouldn't be here if it wasn't. But you aren't asking me a question, which I presume is what you're here to do. Agent Sousa, Agent Thompson, I have not spoken to my brother in weeks. You could ask Mr. Jarvis, if you feel so inclined to. I have no knowledge of the weapons that he built. I had no part in it."

Daniel glanced at Jack before nodding. "If he comes into contact with you..." He handed her a card. "Please give us a call."

"I will."

Daniel nodded and Jack walked out the door. "I just wanted to express my sympathy for your loss, Miss Stark. Captain Rogers saved my life. I was sorry to hear of his death."

Grace smiled. "Thank you, Agent Sousa. I appreciate the sentiment."

"Agent Carter spoke of him highly."

"Do tell her I say hi, won't you?" she asked and he nodded. "And from now on, Agent Sousa, call me Grace. The formalities make me feel old."

He chuckled. "On the condition that you call me Daniel. When I'm not on duty, that is."

"Certainly. Have a good day, Agent Sousa."

"Miss Stark."

Grace closed the door behind the agents and let out a breath. "Damn it, Howard..."

⸻ ~~~ ⸻

"𝐈 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 was going through your mind when you decided you needed to contact me," Grace said, wrapping her sweater tightly around her frame while Jarvis stood by the car. "You're a wanted man, Howard. I don't find it particularly wise to come and talk to me."

"I had to see you before I left," Howard told his sister and she sighed. "Like you said, I'm a wanted man which means I have to get out before they find me."

"That makes you seem even more suspicious than you already look," Grace contradicted with a frown. "Just tell me, did you accidentally give some of your most dangerous weapons to our country's enemies?"

"I can't tell you, Gracie," he shook his head. "Not because I am guilty, but because I don't want to have you lie to the authorities. I won't say where I'm going either. That way you'll be telling the truth if they ever ask."

"But Howard—"

"Gracie, I have to go," he interrupted, pressing a kiss to her temple. "You'll be safe with Jarvis. He's under strict instruction to follow your orders. And I've asked Peggy to help."


"If she needs anything, promise me you'll help her."


"Please." Grace sighed and nodded. Howard let out a breath and hugged her tightly. "I love you, Gracie. More than you'll ever know or believe."

"I love you, too," she said, letting go of the hug and watched him get on his boat and sail away. She heard footsteps behind her and she turned to see the loyal Englishman. "Jarvis, could I ask something of you?"

"Certainly, Miss Stark."

"Can you drive me to the river?" she asked, turning away from the water and facing the butler.

"The... river?" Jarvis repeated in confusion.

⸻ ~~~ ⸻

𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐎𝐍 the banks of the Hudson River and let her hand float in the water, feeling the coolness of the season numb her fingers. She felt around her neck and pulled out the dog tags that hadn't left her body in nearly a year.

"Hi, Steve," she said, tracing the name with her thumb and looking out into the water. "I guess this is as close to talking to you as I'm gonna get." She chuckled to herself and sat down on the rocky path beside the water. "I miss you..." she sighed, playing with the dog tags. "It feels weird. The world moving on...

"It's like people expect us to continue living our lives like we didn't fight the biggest war the world had ever seen in recent memory. And people say we should be thankful to be alive, but that just makes me think of everyone we lost. You. Bucky." She let out a breath, wading her hand in the water. "I know it was your choice, and you saved millions, Steve, but sometimes I wish you had just been selfish. Which is horrible of me to think, I know... but Howard is lord knows where, Peggy is... well, I'll just say that it's my fault that we've barely spoken. She's tried to reach out, but I never replied. It was too painful. We'd been through so much and...

"It's been a year, Steve... One whole year with you gone. One whole year without a war and it feels weird. I'll come back to visit soon." She stood up and collected her purse. "Oh, and thanks for the bookstore recommendations. I already have a new collection starter. Goodbye, Steve."

⸻ ~~~ ⸻

an: I think I'll just
include a few snippets
of after the war for
Grace because I want
to include her past when
she reconnects with Steve
and it would just seem
repetitive if I already
write it. So they'll
probably all be this short

 So they'llprobably all be this short

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