"Are you going to let her talk to you like that?" Rameses asked with a laugh.

"You will show the proper respect for a Prince of Egypt." Moses said, pointing his finger at the girl in warning.

"But I am showing you all the respect you deserve--NONE." The girl snapped back, and pulled the rope Hotep had her in, and tried to get herself free.

The guards moved.

"No, wait!" Moses stopped them and grabbed the rope, on the ground. "Be still!"

"Untie this rope! I demand you set me free!" The girl yelled.

"Be still!" Moses repeated.

"Let GO!" The girl snapped.

"As you wish," Moses smirked, and let go.

The  poor girl lost her balance and fell into pool of water. While the crowd laughed, I rushed over to help. I saw Moses laughing, but then he stopped in embarrassment when he saw Queen Tuya's sad expression. I saw Rameses come up to Moses, laughing.

"You there! Have her dried off and sent to Prince Moses' chambers." Rameses told a guard.

"No need, I'll take her," I offered to the guard.

"If it pleases you, Father, my first act as Regent is to appoint Moses as Royal Chief Architect." Rameses continued, and put a ring on Moses' finger, and raised his hand high to the cheers that erupted.

The girl glared at Moses as she and I left. I could sense he was feeling remorse.

"Don't worry about him. He's a goof-off. Let's get you dried off." I said.

"Are you arrogant and pampered too?" The girl asked me.

"Not in the least. I can help get you out of here. You seemed very uncomfortable around these royals. I don't blame you." I said. "Let's just pretend that I'm a guard, and I'm sending you to Moses' chambers. I believe Huy will come in, but I think you have what it takes to get out of here. You're strong. You have a name?"


"Well, Tzipporah, I can help get you out of here. I will say nothing about this to any of the royal family." I promised.

Tzipporah nodded.

Once I got her to Moses' chambers, I went my way, and went outside for a walk in the courtyard, and waited for her to arrive.

As promised she arrived, and she and I got started on getting the camel, and we slowly  crept through the courtyard--


Tzipporah stopped, and so did I.

"Prince Moses!" Both guards turned to Moses awaiting instruction.

Oh, no. Now what? I thought with dread.

"Uh...there's a-a man tied up in my room." Moses said.

Tzipporah seemed surprised at this, and made a run for it by getting on her camel while Moses was still talking to the guards. Bidding her a good luck, I stayed behind, just as Moses sidled up to me.

"I suppose you had a hand in this?" Moses said.

"Hmmm. Maybe. Why the change of mind?" I asked.

"I felt really guilty, and I wanted to make it up to her." Moses explained.

We watched, and followed as Tzipporah headed out into the night, to the Hebrew side of the kingdom. I knew Moses was definitely falling head over heels.

A PRINCE OF EGYPT ADVENTURE BOOK 1--JOSHUAWhere stories live. Discover now