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"WHOOO!!!" Moses whooped.

"Faster, you beasts! You run like mules!" Rameses yelled.

I was now in a chariot with none other than the younger brother Moses, who had obviously grown up to be a teenager, a couple of years younger than me. Moses had an Egyptian wig to cover his hair, cut short and had short stubble on his chin. Rameses was out of his teenage years and was a few years older than me, and still had that shaved head and side ponytail. The two were chariot racing around the kingdom, and I was holding on for dear life.

"Hey Rameses! How would you like your face carved on a wall?" Moses called out.

"Someday, yes!" The older brother answered.

"HOW ABOUT NOW?!" Moses impishly rammed his chariot against his brother's, who shouted, startled.

"NOT AGAIN!!" I yelped.

"AAGH! You almost KILLED ME!" Rameses protested, ever the more serious of the two.

"Oh, come on! Where's your sense of fun?" Moses goaded.

"Oh, so it's FUN you want?!" Rameses shot back and proceeded to do the same thing.

"LOOK OUT!" I yelled.

But Moses was definitely one step ahead, and he pulled on the reins of his horses, while Rameses went downhill. We could see as we sped past, that the older brother was looking for us. Not to be outdone, he sped up behind us and went above another column.

"Come on, Moses--admit it! You've always looked up to me!" Rameses playfully teased.

"Yes, but it's not much of a view!" Moses retorted with a smile.

"And here I am the youngest of the pack if I was your brother!" I added to the playful banter.

Moses laughed.

Rameses' chariot moved in front of us as the race continued, speeding past Egyptian citizens who protested and vehemently shouted at us.

"HEY!!!" one shouted.

"SECOND BORN, SECOND PLACE!" Rameses boasted.

"Not for long!" Moses bantered.

The chariot race, I sensed became very dangerous now, and I leapt off, using my Scepter to grant me wings as I followed the two brothers, noticing that the nose from a statue of Pharaoh Seti was tumbling towards them after some mishaps. They managed to get away, but not before a bundle of sand and straw came crashing down on two priests, named Hotep and Huy, making the place a mess, and a rollercoaster slide ride. I caught up with them as soon as they were in the clear, landing on Moses' chariot.

"You don't think we'll get in trouble for this do you?" Rameses asked nervously.

"No, not a chance!" Moses said.

We headed back to the palace.


We were face to face with Pharaoh Seti, who had asked for us. Seti was an older man with an aged face, chocolate brown skin, dark eyes and a stern air.

With him were Queen Tuya, who looked disappointed but compassionate, and the priests Hotep, a pudgy man, and Huy, a skinny man, both older men, but looked to be in their prime, who were glaring at Moses and Rameses. They paid me no mind since I was a "shah". They had no idea I was the new Sorcerer, but Miriam knew, and Aaron, and the long dead Yocheved.

"Well, I hate to say it but, you're in very real trouble." I said quietly to both of them.

"Why do the Gods torment me with such reckless, destructive, blasphemous sons?" Seti moaned, his aged and thin frame not looking at us.

A PRINCE OF EGYPT ADVENTURE BOOK 1--JOSHUAWhere stories live. Discover now