What were we? What even was this?

  I tried to ignore my thoughts but everything happened so fast. He seemed to like me but I couldn't be sure. Is this just temporary?

  I turned off the stove and brought the food to the table which I previously set with plates and glasses. Unfortunately, he didn't have any orange juice so I had to settle for water. A much healthier choice than Monster, that's for sure.

  Not long after he came back and joined me at the table. I was silent but he kept on rambling about something, it didn't take him long to know I wasn't paying attention.


  This caught my attention and I looked in his direction, "Huh?"

  "I was just trying to tell you you're a cook good."

  "Oh. Thanks."

  I looked down at my plate which had barely been touched, I wasn't hungry.

  Octane grabbed my fork and scooped up some of my food, "Open wide!"

  I pulled away, "What the hell are you doing?"

  Okay, that came off bitchy. I wasn't sure if it was just my hangover causing me to feel moody, or if it was my thoughts. Maybe both.

  "C'mon, hermosa, you have to eat something."

  He put on the cutest expression and I couldn't stay mad at that. Reluctantly, I opened my mouth so he could feed me.

  "That's a good girl."


  My cheeks heated up more than usual, that was not what I was expecting.

  I swallowed my food nervously and took a sip of my water, trying so hard to hide my expression but he knew what he was doing.

  The rest of breakfast went well, after I had something in my stomach I felt a bit less irritable. I felt bad for taking it out on him.

  "Um. Octavio, do you maybe have any clothes I could borrow?"

  "Oh, right!" He said remembering I had been wearing nothing but one of his shirts.

He made his way over to his dresser and rummaged through. He found a blue hoodie and some black shorts. They'd likely be too big but I couldn't go home like this and I didn't want to put that dress back on. He handed me his clothes and I asked

  "Where's your bathroom?"

  He pointed, "Just through that door, amiga."

  Amiga. Ouch.

  What game was he playing?

  Once I changed, I grabbed my phone and my dress. He opened his door for me and tried to kiss me, I shied away and tucked my hair behind my ear.

  "Not now, Octavio."

  "Just message me when you get home safe."

  I exited his apartment and there was a woman approaching my direction. We crossed paths and I looked over my shoulder to see she was knocking on Octavio's door.

  Who was she?

  No. Not my problem.

  Is he dating her?

  Jesus, Y/N. Stop! You had a fling. That's all. Don't act like a jealous ex.

  I really needed to get my mind off things

  Instead of going straight home, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contact list. I needed someone to talk to. Natalie? No, she's probably busy. Ajay seemed like a good person to talk to but I barely knew her. Elliot.

  I pressed the call button and put the phone to my ear and heard a deep groggy voice, as if he just woke up.


  "Hey. It's Y/N. Do you have time to talk?"

  His voice seemed surprised, as if he didn't remember giving me his number. I suppose he was too drunk to remember. Silly Elliot.

  "Sure. Meet me at the bar in an hour."

  "See you there." I said before I hung up.

  Well, if I had an hour I may as well go home and change first. I really wish I didn't live so far away.

This was a bit of a filler chapter, sorry! I hope it was still enjoyable xoxo

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